Casting Homeowners for Renovation Show – Cleveland

By | June 28, 2012

Has something CATASTROPHIC happened to your home? If so, we want to fix it!
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location: Cleveland, OH

Category: Reality TV

A major cable network is launching a new show that will help homeowners get back up on their feet after something’s gone terribly wrong at their house. From faulty wiring, floods, fire, rodent or insect infestation, a contractor’s terrible mistake … the list is endless. If you’re at your wits’ end, this is the show for you. Our team of experts will come in, clean up the mess, rebuild areas when necessary and then fully decorate the space to make life more livable once again … in fact, it will look even better than before the catastrophe.

For consideration, please send an email to with the following information:

• Name
• Address
• Contact Information (daytime phone, email address)
• Description of the catastrophe you’ve experienced
• Project Pictures (3 – 4 maximum)
• Personal/Family Picture (only 1)
• Plea explaining why you should be on our show

Let us help you!

Steven Brown
Casting Director | RIVR Media
o 865.330.6266 | c 615.509.0181

Visit our new web site at

Job type: Non Paid

Casting Location: Cleveland, OH
Contact email:

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