Casting Pop Culture Correspondents for National TV Show

By | June 19, 2012

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location: Miami, FL, San Francisco, CA, Seattle, WA, Portland, OR

Category: Talk Show

New Pop Culture TV Network casting correspondents.

Network show lunching in July…some of the entertainment industry’s biggest names and agencies launching this project!! Think CNN or ESPN for pop culture… are you good enough to be your city’s face and voice of a new network!??

We’re looking for MALE and FEMALE Correspondents, ages 20-35 in the cities of Miami, San Francisco (Bay Area), Portland and Seattle. LIVE TV experience hugely beneficial.

If you know more about your city than anyone, if you can’t wait to make a name for yourself, most importantly, if you don’t need a script… this may be the opportunity for you! Position is PAID.

Resume and reels can be submitted online to Serious responses only please.

Job type: Paid

Casting Location: Miami, FL, San Francisco, CA, Seattle, WA, Portland, OR
Contact email:

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