Casting Series Los Angeles / Santa Monica

By | August 9, 2012

Docu-series casting posted by the Casting Director
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location: Los Angeles, CA

Category: Docu-series

The Series:
Many of us look back on ourselves and remember how good we used to be. Whether it was running a 6-minute mile, swimming 50 meters in under half-a-minute or finishing a tough course at four under par, it’s easy to start believing that we’ll never reach those heights again. That we’re hopelessly past our primes. This web series is devoted to proving that the game is never over, and that with a little hard work we can still recapture the glory we once knew.

*Athletes must have been at least 21 years old on the day they turned in their best performance.
*Live in LA or surrounding areas (we are located in Santa Monica)
*Flexible schedule – we will only be filming once or twice a month for 3 months
*Energetic personality
*Between 28 and 39 years old.
*Must be willing to record a video diary of yourself to show weekly progress.

Please answer the questions and email the following:
Name, age, email address, what city you live in, phone number, and a recent picture of yourself.
1) Tell us about the best athletic performance of your life.
2) How old were you?
3) Describe how you felt at that exact moment.
4) What was your training regimen like in those days?
5) Did you have any coaches, teammates or trainers who were particularly influential at that time?
6) Do you have many photographs or videos of yourself from those days?
7) Describe your current lifestyle and why you feel that you’ve fallen out of peak conditioning.
8) If you’re selected to participate in this project, how do you envision yourself rising to the challenge?
9) How much time do you have to devote to training?
10) Do you have any coaches, trainers or friends who would be willing to participate in this project with you?
11) Why are you passionate about getting back into prime physical condition?
12) What are your long-term athletic goals?

We will provide a personal trainer if needed.

Job type: Other

Casting Location: Los Angeles, CA
Contact email:

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