Chicago Girl group auditions

By | June 21, 2012

This notice was posted on

location: Chicago,IL

Category: Dance

Hey everybody im looking for 3 girls between the ages of 13-15. You have to be from chicago and have parent permition. We will be a singing and dancing group so please send me a video of you doing both. Im writing songs for the group now and making choreography. So if you really want to get noticed and hopefully famous with me then send me a video. I have our nicknames and our group name all planned out. If your interested then email me the information below to


Date of Birth:



Phone Number where you can be reached & best time to call:

Musical Influences:

Describe Yourself in One Sentence:

Have you ever had professional vocal training?:

Do you play any musical instruments?:

Do you write music, lyrics, or poems?:

Are you able to choreograph dance routines?:

What is your vocal range?:

Do you have parental permission?:

Will you be able to attend group meetings/rehearsals regularly?:

Thanks so much 🙂

Job type: Non Paid

Casting Location: Chicago,IL
Contact email:

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