Chicago Student Film

By | February 29, 2012

Student film audition posted by the Director
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Chicago

I am currently looking for lead actors for my film, Just Look. The film is about a young businessman who is forced to examine his life after the sudden death of his father, which ultimately leads to his discovery of beauty at its most basic state.

The audition is set for 1:00pm on Saturday, March 3rd. Location will be provided after contact is made.

JEFF (Late 20s/Early 30s): A young man who’s followed the corporate career path of his father, despite his artistic inclination, finds himself in a world in which he does not belong. Jeff is a very reflective and contemplative person as he struggles to live up to who he really wants to be.

FRANK (40s): Frank is Jeff’s boss. His overbearing, dominating personality prevents Jeff from being any version of himself that he can accept. Frank sees himself as friendly but he is incredibly self absorbed. Despite some of his dominant character traits, he is passively aggressive.

This is a Foundations Film Production at Columbia and my hope is that it will be selected for the college’s prestigious Take 1 Film Festival. My final film from last semester, Apart, is a finalist and will be played at Take 1 on Wednesday, April 4th. Beyond Columbia, I plan to aggressively pursue a festival circuit and distribution for this film. I am well prepared for this production and can ensure that you will be treated with the utmost respect and professionalism. Compensation will be in the form of meals on set and a final cut of the film for the actor’s reel. Should you require a personal reference, I will be more than happy to provide you with a few.

Casting Location: Chicago
Contact email:

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