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Child/Teen Actresses for Student Film

By | October 30, 2012

location: Columbus, Ohio

Category: Film

I am a MFA Film student at Ohio University currently doing a casting call for a short film I’ll be shooting this December. My project is an early 1960’s period piece coming of age drama’ about two obsessive girls- I am looking for actresses who can play an age range between 12-14. Below are character descriptions for the two actresses I’m looking for-

Ruthie- (lead – can play a 12-14 year old female, caucasian, build unimportant). Ruthie has an elaborate fantasy life that sharply contrasts with her dull real world in early 1960’s suburbia. She is intensely serious, though naive, dreamy and lovesick.

Marleen- (lead – can play a 12-14 year old female, caucasian, build unimportant) Marleen is Ruthie’s best friend and partner in crime. Motor-mouthed, geeky, energetic and blunt.

Please contact me ASAP with a headshot and resume if possible and I can provide you with details about the upcoming auditions. Thanks so much!

Job type: Non Paid

This notice was posted on auditionsfree.com

Casting Location: Columbus, Ohio
Contact email: Sarahbleibman@gmail.com

2 thoughts on “Child/Teen Actresses for Student Film

  1. Emmy Maurer

    My name is Emmy Maurer. I am 13, white, dark hair and eyes. I’m willing to be either character.

  2. teresa castillo

    I would like to audition for ruthie, I’m 13
    and I would love to be part of your film.
    Contact me.


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