Dallas Girl Group

By | April 23, 2012

Girl Group
Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: Dallas
Hi my name is Kaia and I’m looking for 3 girls to be in a girl group, to audition send me a video of you singing or rapping(that’s good too), say your name first, then age. And I’ll send out of video of me telling you the top three girls. Ages 12-14. Btw I’m 13!

June 4, 2012 is the deadline, you’ll know by June 18, 2012

Casting Location: Dallas
Contact email: Kaia0@ymail.com

3 thoughts on “Dallas Girl Group

  1. Halle

    I Have A Talent To Sing And I Wanna Take It To Another Level For My Family And Me.

  2. virginia

    Do we have to have a talent, because i have a talent to sing and do we get paid also what about the managers and other things.

  3. michellay flowers

    hey if we join the group do we already have plans like a agent a manager because i have a group. It is 3 of us, and we are looking for 1 more person.


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