DC – Actors for Fringe Play “JESUS le MOMO”

By | April 4, 2012

Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: Washington, DC

I am directing a play in the Capital Fringe Festival entitled “Jesus le Momo” and I am looking for actors. The play takes place in 1970 and is about a religious group at an inn who, during their worship one day, are visited by the very fleshly ghost of Antonin Artaud (the creator of theatre of cruelty) who tries to get the group to resurrect him. We are currently seeking to fill all roles in the show. The characters are as follows:

Jim Fitzmaurice, 34 – Ex-priest, keeper of the Inn; otherwise unemployed but seeking a position in the District of Columbia School System. (Would prefer if he could play the guitar.)

Gretchen Fitzmaurice, 28. – His wife; law firm paralegal. (Strong knowledge of French preferred though not required.)

Le Momo 20-80. – The “very fleshly ghost” of Artaud. Crazed and intense poet and playwright seeking to be resurrected by the group. (Strong knowledge of French preferred though not required.)

Debbie, mature 23. – Nursing student living at the Inn, working part-time in D.C. General Hospital emergency room.

Sue, younger 23. – Nursing student living at the Inn, also working part-time in D.C. General Hospital emergency room.

Paul, 25. – Conscientious objector performing alternative service in D.C. General Hospital.

The auditions will be on Sunday April 15th, 12 noon-6 pm, American University. If you are interested, please prepare a 30-60 second comedic monologue, preferably from an avant-garde play and email me Adi Stein at as1344a@student.american.edu and Jack Foley at timwake73@hotmail.com respectively. Thank you for your time and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Casting Location: Washington, DC
Contact email: as1344a@student.american.edu

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