Disney Channel Auditions 2012 and Disney XD Tryouts

By | May 25, 2012

Disney Talent Search 2012 for shows coming in 2013

Disney Channel and Disney XD just announced their 1st (and maybe only) open auditions and casting call for 2012.

Disney does annual talent searches in various US cities and the next Disney Channel casting will be held in Kansas city on May 26th 2012.

Disney Channel

Auditions and Tryouts 2012

What these casting calls are for is for talent to meet with Disney casting agents for them to be considered for new and existing TV shows and Disney original movies. The casting directors are not specifically looking to fill any particular role, they are there to meet with potential talent to possibly be cast in a project in the future, as a guest star or maybe in something they are working on for 2013. They are looking for kids and teens who can act, sing or dance but are really interested in kids that can do all three.

Disney also really likes kids that can do comedy since most of their shows and TV series are comedic in nature. Recently, the network has also done a few sketch type shows with a new one called “Bits & Pieces”.

There will be a part on the application that will ask about comedic ability and improv experience.

Last year, they announced that they were scouting potential talent for the following projects:

  • Jessie
  • Pair of Kings
  • Gulliver Quinn
  • Shake It Up
  • So Random
  • Ant Farm
  • Kickin’ It
  • The Little Leftover Witch
  • Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie 2
  • and various new projects and Disney Channel original movies that were in the works

Reps will be looking for very talented young actors and actresses from 10 to 18 years of age. Experience is not necessary – but both experienced child actors and non-experienced child actors are welcome to attend the event. Disney tryouts are for kids who have an interest in acting, dancing, or singing.

This is an Official Disney Channel audition and there are never any fees. The only fees that you and your family may be charged is for parking near the facility. Parking will be available in nearby lots for 7 to 10 dollars per car.

Tryout Information:

The event will be held on
Saturday, May 26, 2012
from 9AM to 3PM

Kansas City Convention Center
301 West 13th Street
Kansas City, MO 64105

Once you are there you will be given an application to fill out and a monologue that you will need to memorize and then perform. The application form that you will be given is fairly simple and only 1 page. It will ask basic information like your name, contact info, city you live in, parents name and a few lines that allow you to describe any acting, singing or dance experience or training you may have.

All kids MUST come with their parents or guardians or they will not be able to tryout.

Please note that these events are usually very crowded and it is recommended to get there sooner rather than later in order to be seen. Everyone comes to these events without an appointment, so be prepared for long lines and a long wait. It may be a good idea to pack some drinks and a few snacks for your wait.

If you are planning on coming from out of town, please make sure to reserve your rooms because many people come from out of town for such events and hotel rooms near the location may be booked. The Kansas City Convention Center is a very large place and is connected to 2 hotels. If planning to stay at one of those 2 hotels, make sure to book your room early.

Kids represented by agents are welcome along with kids who do not have an agent.

These talent searches have been a way for Disney talent scouts to see kids that do not live in L.A.  Years ago, Selena Gomez was discovered in this manner.

At the moment, this is the only Tryout for Disney Channel that has been announced for 2012. Last year, there were 2, one in Austin Texas and another in Richmond. At this time there is no other information about a second casting call for the year or what city it will be held in if they decide to schedule another one.

69 thoughts on “Disney Channel Auditions 2012 and Disney XD Tryouts

  1. Heba Mahmoud

    Its not fair, kids in Canada want to try
    out too!!

  2. Jordan McLoughlin

    I live in England I’m 13 turning 14 in November and desperately want to be on disney channel. I have been growing up with it. So far you haven’t put any auditions in Manchester or London and I really want an audition to try and give it a shot. I’m in an acting school, been there for 2 years and doing very well and I go to a street dancing school. I’m awesome at it and won gold medals so could you please let me know as soon as possible if there’s an audition in Manchester or London thank you very much for reading.

  3. Kiana

    I would love to do this. I’m eleven, I live in Atlanta though.

  4. esmeraldalopez

    I would love to be on disney one day. I am 12 and turning 13. Me and my little pretended to be on ant farm and we sing and act sometimes. We write songs together but the thing is, I live in Florida, well contact me if anything thank you:) !!!

  5. Jermainedavis

    My name is Jermaine Davis. I am 10 and I want to do this. Can I do showbiz with you?

  6. Bethany England

    I’m looking to get into acting… if anything comes up please email me.

  7. dahlia

    Are there going to be any auditions held in Florida?

  8. Mercades

    I’m 14 and it’s my dream to be on disney channel.

  9. Mercades

    I would like to audition but no auditions have been in Milwaukee.

  10. makayla patrick

    Hi my name is Makayla Patrick, I’m 12 years old and I live in Corsicana TX, a small town. I have always dreamed of becoming an actress. I love the show Jessie. I love all the of the cast, y’all do a very good job. I wish you would pick me. I think I’m so great for this part and I would be so grateful! ! I love all of you guys and thank you.

  11. Brionna

    Hi. My name is Brionna and I’m an actor and a dancer. I have brown hair and brown eyes. I’m African American and I would love to be a part of the Disney Family.

  12. sundas

    OMG, I wish I was in america all the TV shows here in England suck! 🙁
    I love singing and acting, I’m 13 and I am in love with Disney but I really wish they would get a Disney thing here in England,that would be so cool

  13. Christopher Sopper

    Hay my name is Chris I am 12 I have brown hair and hazil eyes and the only show I want to be on is Kickin it.

  14. Makayla

    :African American.
    :brown,reddish,and dark brown
    :like to dance,write,and mostly act
    :like to decorate everything
    :celebrities why not there for the fame, there to show people who they are
    :if I get famous don’t want people to think I’m there for the fame
    :somewhat athletic
    :don’t like the word best because everyone/thing is equal, don’t like word hate its a strong word
    :favorite color indigo,baby blue

  15. Makayla

    Hi, I know I’m late, but I hope you guys make have some Disney Tryouts in Richmond or Williamsburg, Hampton, Virginia beach, not so much Virginia beach fluffed. I really want to audition for Nick or Disney and places were you guys never did auditions because its not fair to the people who didn’t get auditions were they live.

  16. angelina

    really? there are kids with awesome dreams in Florida too. Like me for example. I can do two out of three on your list{well three if you guys have a choreographer}but I can travel to Georgia, Alabama Tennessee,and whatever state is by Alabama. Anyways, I can sing and I’m really good at acting. I live in Brandon, Florida, I’m 10 years old and I’m in 5th grade{my birthday comes early}.

  17. Zack

    OH! I’m so sorry. Forgot ONE more thing. I wanted to tell you that I can speak British, English, and the really cool dude talk or whatever you call it. My family says that I remind them of Robin Williams.

  18. Zack

    Oh! I forgot to mention that I was born with all of my talents. I have no experience with singing or acting, but people ask me “How long you been singin’ boy?” or ” Why arent you in drama in school honey? Your really good!” Even though I want to be in drama, I never get the papers from my teacher that tell about when every thing is and what time and what day. Well thanks “again”.

  19. Zack

    Hi! My name is Zack as you saw. I LOVE disney channel and disney xd. I am 10 years old and live in louisville ky. I have brown hair, hazel eyes, and definetly am not nerdy. I am very athletic but not that skinny. I’m strong and about medium size, but not fat. I am very good at acting and singing and sometimes dancing. I am very respectful and would do anything to help somebody if they needed it. I also know how to play piano if you need somebody that knows how to play piano. I have ALWAYS wanted to be an actor on disney channel or disney XD. I am always playing pranks on everybody and they ALWAYS fall for it. The main show I would love to be on would be Kickin’ It. But any show, I would definetly be grateful to be on. I hope that I am the right person you would need.Thank you:)



  21. Christinair

    UGH! I wish I could just be an actor…
    Okay, so my name’s Christinair, but people call me Chris.
    I’m 12 but I’m gonna turn 13 on January.
    I’m from a small country in Asia called Cambodia. Its right next to Vietnam…(I’m also half Vietnamese)
    I speak really good English.
    I’m tomboyish…
    I am one of the best actors in my whole school.

    Okay, so here, if I ever get to be on Shake It Up…I could be like Cece’s step sister or something. Like, maybe Cece’s mom gets married and I become her new sister. I’m a pretty tomboyish girl so, I could like usually hang with Flynn, but I also love going shopping with Cece and Rocky. I’m also crazy about pranks so, yeah… I can like prank Deuce all the time.

    Please! At least give me a small chance to show you what I got. I would even relocate it I have to, to just become an actor.

  22. dylan

    I would love to be on A.N.T farm or shake it up so much but I live in Columbus, Ohio
    and I dont have a camera so I can’t audition. Will someone help me plz, I want to act and maybe sing or dance.

  23. Jacob

    I’m Jacob and I have watched Disney all my life. I would love to be on one of the shows. I have had no acting lessons before so I’m not sure if you will take me. I have always liked to act! I would love to be on any show, I dont care what show. I live in Houston Texas and have brown hair and brown eyes. Please contact me if you having auditions in Houston Texas. That would be really awesome.Me and my family have never really had very much in our life and I think its time for a change so please contact me.

  24. Chelsie Larose

    please have a second casting call audition in New York. 2012. Thank You!

  25. corey

    I really want auditions in Kentucky. I sing, I act and sometimes dance. I love acting. I go to a magnet school. I’m in drama and I used to be in chorus. I go to noe and I’m 11. Please, it would make me so happy just to be able to act on a show.

  26. Stephanie

    Hold Auditions In Denver! That would be awesome ! (:

  27. shamane hardeen

    I can sing too and dance and even write good songs.

  28. shamane hardeen

    I live in Guyana and I want to be an actress. I just wish there was a way! help!

  29. brianna

    Please hold auditions here in Wyoming! My brother is in love with Disney xd! I want him to be an actor! He is very good at singing. Please do me this favor! Wyoming please! Wyoming please!


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