Do you have a potentially dangerous habit?

By | August 27, 2012

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location: Nationwide

Category: Docu-series

Do you or does someone you know have a dangerous or potentially harmful habit that is getting out of hand?
Are your loved ones showing concern about your behavior?
Have you experienced odd side effects from your addiction to :
– licking batteries
– shocking yourself with electricity/outlets
– choking or asphyxiation
– any other habit that you’ve developed

A major documentary series is hoping to explore how these seemingly dangerous behaviors can become addictions and affect the lives of average people. We’d like to share your story and explore how and why these behaviors developed and how it is impacting your life, and share medical opinions to determine if and how these behaviors are affecting your health. All participants will receive professional medical and/or psychological guidance.

To be considered, or for more information, please send the following to :
Phone Number
Recent Photo
Short Description of how your behavior is impacting your life.

You can also reach us directly at 312-467-8145.

We are here to listen and help, and we hope to hear from you soon.

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