Feature Film Brooklyn NY

By | October 21, 2012

This notice was posted on auditionsfree.com

location: Brooklyn, NY

Category: Film

Misanthropes is the third feature-length project from writer and director, Eric Morris Eskenazi of Gum Grove Films, LLC. It will be shot in New York City and New Jersey on a sporadic basis from late fall 2012 through 2013. The shooting schedule will enable plenty of flexibility with the cast to work in an organic and experimental process. There will be no crew involved except for the director who’ll operate the various HD devices. Misanthropes will be a hybrid of various subgenres such as ghost story, slasher, urban horror, black comedy and domestic drama. The plot will touch on the very dark fantasies and ambitions of both marginal and soulless characters.

Auditions will be held starting November in either Manhattan and/or Brooklyn. This will be a non-union feature. No pay involved, but profit points and volunteer accident insurance will be provided. The ideal cast will be those who are fearless performers, who aren’t prudish about using rough language and dealing with disturbing subject matter. Some of the roles will include nudity. A background in either multi-media, music, dance and videoblogging would be helpful. Those who are interested must exhibit absolute professionalism and dedication. In order to be considered for an audition appointment, please submit headshots, resumes and links to online clips consisting of legit work from either past and/or present roles in theatre, television, web series and film to the attention of Eric Morris Eskenazi.

Zayzer Charkol – middle-aged, unemployed vagrant, suffers from delusions of imagining himself as a transit worker with homicidal tendencies.

Mitzi Fingerhut – late 20s, misandrist, freelances as a recruiter for desperate temp workers, has ambitions to become a very powerful film producer.

Arnon Sunshine, 60s, alter kocker, formerly a cutthroat, Hollywood film studio executive.

Shier Lazyitis – late 30s, uber-schlubby, failed creative writer who talks to himself a lot by rehashing tragically embarrassing mishaps in relationships as well as failed attempts at romance and just plain fantasies.

Wypshaw Carnukel – early 20s, wholesome and gullible intern, who later becomes ruthless trustfund media mogul.

Nuget Dingleberi – 20s, freegan, wannabe foodie celebrity who uses his obsession with everything organic and artisan to fuel his sustainable-hatred towards fly-over-state yupsters.

Orch Fadyn, late 30s, indie music genius who’s going through his ‘Eno phase’ of producing some truly outré bands.

Argula Amulet – late 30s/early40s, Park Slope-dwelling, goose-stepping mother hen, private school aficionado for the offspring of gentrifying breeder couples as well as an entrepreneur of a crappy, home-based latte franchise.

Woyna Leightov – early 20s, former teenage runaway, suffers from trauma of being bullied for his homoerotic and transgressive art. Role require nudity.

Various Corporate Types – who are super wealthy and powerful enough to invest in diabolical and sleazy venture projects are made up by both men and women in ages ranging from 20s to 50s. Roles require nudity.

Various Late Teens Roles – who can play victims of family abuse as well as bullying because of their LGBT lifestyle which consist of males and females in ages ranging from 18-19. Roles require nudity.

Job type: Non Paid

Casting Location: Brooklyn, NY
Contact email: eme@gumgrovefilms.com

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