Get on MTV – MTV Now casting roommates

By | October 26, 2012

MTV is now seeking roommates who don’t get along!

If you have a really bad roomie, you can tryout to be on an MTV reality series in 2013.

  • Does your roommate get on your last nerve?
  • Is the music too loud?
  • Too many parties?
  • Is your place a mess because of your roomie?
  • Does your roommate have annoying habits you can no longer tolerate?

MTV is now ready to explore the world of really bad roommates and is looking for participants who can’t stand living with theirs and are ready to let them know all about it.

Can you say the You hate your roommate? If enough is enough, here is your chance to confront your irritating roomie on MTV.

If you have finally had it and are ready to confront your roommate about your living situation, MTV wants to be there when you do.

Losing sleep because your roommate parties too hard and blasts the worst dubstep music? Are their dirty dishes everywhere BUT the kitchen sink? Are you sick and tired of your filthy roommate? If so, then we are looking for you!!

Everybody has had roommate problems and now MTV is ready to hear about yours.

You must be between the ages of 18 and 25 to be on the show… and of course, be living with the roommate from hell.

please send an email with your name, location, contact info and picture to

Please include a short paragraph telling us exactly why you are ready to confront your roommate and why they need to change their ways or move out (be specific)! Please make sure to include a picture of yourself and your roommate.

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