Girl Group UK / Manchester

By | March 21, 2012

Want to be apart of the NEXT BIG GIRLGROUP? Apply tody
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Manchester
We are two amazingly passionate girls and we know the only job out thier for us is to become apart of a new fresh girlgroup singing sensation to rival the likes or The Pussycat Dolls & The Saturday’s etc
We are wanting to recreate the look of the 5 piece girlgroup with one of each type of girl look, We have set aside 12 months in which to form the group , reherse , get gigs make youtube cover’s write songs, do concerts etc so please apply if your in this for the longrun, we are looking for committed girls who share our dream and have a passion for performance, we are not wanting to get everything handed to us we want to work for it and experience the highs as well as the lows
Unlike a few of the relaity show quick fixes we want a long career in music and not just 15 minutes of fame, We will be seeking management once the group is established in order to help us to the next level, If you think you could be apart of the NEXT BIG THING please apply today , places on a first come first served basis
Thanks you and good luck 🙂

Casting Location: Manchester
Contact email:

One thought on “Girl Group UK / Manchester

  1. Todtiyana

    Hey I was wondering if this audition is still available if soo please e-mail me


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