Lexington Kentucky Zombie Movie

By | February 22, 2012

Another Apocalyptic Zombie Movie
Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: Lexington Kentucky
Description: CASTING Saturday March 10,2012 in Lexington Kentucky 12 noon to 3pm North Side Library 1733 Russell Cave Road Lexington Kentucky,

Logline: Another Apocalyptic Zombie Movie to Blazing Saddles meets Dawn Of The Dead. Bad boy parapsychologist Brad Redmond takes his students on a paranormal investigation. There is no easy A for Elliott as he tries to protect sexy Tiffany the girl he secretly longs for. Teamed with ghost hunters the group is secluded on a haunted horse farm in rural Kentucky. With no TV and radio for three days the group is oblivious to the pandemic striking the country. There are two options for the students and ghost hunters become a zombie or fight.


Professor Brad Redmond/ central character Bad boy professor Brad Redmond is an intellectual and pushing 40. Brad is a scientific parapsychologist that believes in the paranormal. Brad is not arrogant instead he is a bit of a smartass with out rubbing your nose in it.

His students respect him, the dean tolerates him. Brad usually has on a blazer and jeans. Everyone in Brads family are highly successful professional who all make more money then he dose. Brads students annoy him at times but deep down he would do anything to protect them. Brad is a natural leader not an autocrat. Brad is the cool guy, low key and kind of cute for his age. Brad is divorced; his wife left him for a mime. Brad has an undercurrent romantic crush on the unsuspecting Lura. Brad Redmans motive is basic he needs to find evidence of the paranormal to secure his tenure at the university or face unemployment.

Making the paranormal documentary is his only way to hold on to his job. Brad struggles with getting older and being alone. Brad hopes a successful documentary will turn his luck. He would like to start a relationship with Lura when his career is more secure. Brad dose not ogle the college girls he would never date a younger woman. He is not a dirty old man. Professor Brad Redmond is a central character. He is the glue that holds the plot together.

STEVE /2nd central character Steve is the team leader of a ghost hunters group. Steve has the status of a cult leader .Steves age range is between 35-50. Steve is well respected in the paranormal community. He makes his living as a writer for several paranormal magazines. Ghost hunting broke up Steves marriage. Steves theories are some what on the fridge. Steve is some what exocentric almost quirky at times. Divorced and newly single Steve focuses on his first love the paranormal. Steve is naturally funny and quick witted with out trying. Steve is loyal to the people he cares about and a natural born leader. Steve comes from an middle-class educated family that doesnt understand his fascination with the paranormal. He votes Libertarian, recycles and believes in conspiracy theories. Steve teamed up with Brad Redmond in the hopes the documentary will be the catalyst to hosting his own paranormal reality TV show. Steve can either be quirky looking, slightly deranged looking or attractive.

DERRICK- the antagonist Derrick is the antagonist / good looking /cool guy/ college student. Derrick skates by on his looks, family connection and athletic ability. He can be vain, selfish but there is still something about Derrick you like. Derrick is on of those guys that are fun and somewhat unpredictable. Derrick is possessive over Tiffany even though she is not his formal girlfriend. Derrick could get straight As if he tried but he doesnt put forth the effort. If it came to a crisis Derrick would be out for himself first and others would be an after thought. Derrick is smart and knows how to manipulate his parents into giving him money or anything else he wants. He listens to hard rock music. Derrick puts on an annoying macho faade. The only reason Derrick participates in the paranormal documentary is because he wants to improve his grade inn Redmonds class. Elliott Elliott is a cute college kid that lacks confidence. Sweet sincere Elliott has been in love with Tiffany since high school but has never asked her for a formal date. Elliott is from a lower middle class family. Elliott is honorable and honest .Elliott works part time while going to school. Somewhat immature Elliott is a late bloomer type who will be successful later in life. Elliott watches horror movie marathons on the weekends because he lacks the courage to ask out a girl. Elliott would risk everything for sexy Tiffany. Average Elliott is the boy who is socially inept and a latent hero.

TIFFANY – Tiffany is drop dead gorgeous. Tiffany is the most popular girl in college. She is liberal arts major who has no idea what she wants to be. Her father has dragged Tiffany to purity balls and drilled into her head she must remain a virgin till marriage. To rebel from the father she longed to please Tiffany unconsciously exudes sex appeal. Tiffany dresses sexy, wears sultry makeup and revealing clothing. Tiffany dose not gossip, she is not mean and works hard to get a C in school. Tiffany is somewhat dependent on Elliott but is not aware that he is in love with her. Tiffany has known Elliott since second grade. Tiffany talks before she thinks, most of the time Tiffany is annoying to everyone but Elliott. Tiffany doesnt mean to get on Professor Redmonds nerves but she dose. Tiffany is not smart she is a stereotype dumb teenager.

MEGAN – Megan is a beautiful girl in her twenties. Megan has very expressive eyes. Megan comes from an upper middle class family. Megan models part time and is trying to be an actress. Megan could have any man she wanted. Megan just started dating Cody. Megan is not a fan of the paranormal and dose not believe in it. The only reason Megan came to investigate the haunted farm is to please Cody. Megan likes Cody but is not in love with him. Megan dresses sexy and wears a lot of makeup. Megan has had an exciting life dating rich powerful men. Cody is opposite from the men Megan usually dates. The only reason Meagan came this weekend is because her date got the stomach flu and she didnt want to sit home alone. Jenny Jenny is a 30 something girl with a nerdy personality. Everything about her screams virgin. Jenny is insecure and some what immature at times. Jenny went to math camp as a kid. She dresses badly and has wild looking hair. No one asked Jenny to the prom. Jenny feels left out seeing Tiffany and Megan getting all the attention. Jenny shares an apartment with her younger brother. Socially inept Jenny longs for love and reads romance novels. Steve and the others treat Jenny like one of the boys. Jenny is quite funny and boisterous with her friends. Jenny is a die hard ghost hunter. Jenny hero worships Steve. Jenny goes to Star Trek conventions for fun. Jenny watches paranormal reality TV shows. Jenny is addicted to ghost hunting. Ghost hunting gives Jenny an identy.

MICHAEL- Michael is a clone of Niles Crane from the TV show Frasier. He is fussy about his appearance and compulsively neat. He uses hand sanitizer after shaking someones hand and flosses his teeth between snacks and meals. Michael never wears jeans. All his pants are pressed with creases .Michael wears his paranormal tee shirt over not under his shirt and tie. Michael carries a pock watch instead of a wrist watch. Michael is clean shaven and his hair is cut short. At work Michael wears a three piece suit and tie. Michaels mannerisms are almost effeminate. Michael is hereto sexual and monogamous in a relationship. Michael wont have a beer instead he drinks fine wine or an after dinner liqueur. Michael comes from money, class and privilege. Michael has never broken away from his parents expectations and lived his own life. During the day Michael is a successful banker with crushing responsibilities and social status. On the weekends Michael is a ghost hunter. Ghost hunting is Michaels only escape from a repressed life. Michael desperately wants to fit in with the others but is too uptight and out of step to make the transition. Michael dreams of having psychic ability. Michael lives in an upscale neighbor hood drives a BMW and dates young socialites who bore him. Michael has integrity and strict moral values. Before Michael sits down on a chair he takes out his handkerchief and dusts off the seat. Michael uses a fork and knife to eat a hot dog instead of picking it up.

Michael listens to classical music. Secretly Michael loves horses and dreamed as a child to be a cowboy. Michael wishes he lived a hundred years ago out in the west like John Wayne. He is attracted to Jenny and wants her to see him as a strong capable man not the sissy boy others think he is. Ghost hunting is his only chance to be normal. Adam Adam is a thirty something ghost hunter. Adam is an identical twin. On the outside Adam appears confident but is truly shy. He was very, very lonely until he met Megan.

ADAM – Adam is Megans protector and love interest. Adam is a relaxed kind of guy who fits in and people like him. Adam is middle class and has a dull job at the mall. Like so many others since college Adam had struggled to get a good job. He wants to take Meagan out in style but cant. Adam is the tech expert for the paranormal investigation team. Adam loves the outdoors and plays baseball on the weekends. Since Adam met Megan his world has come alive. Adam thinks Megan is out of his league and she could do better than a guy like him. Adam wears clothes that flatter his body. Adam sometimes has a three day beard scruffy look going on. Adam has known Steve for most of his life. Adam is a dedicated experienced ghost hunter and loves and delving into the paranormal world. Two Jehovah whiteness / males mid twenties Must be able to do physical comedy wear suits and look like deranged Jehovah whiteness.

Lura Ketchledge- Female-30-40 Lura is a classy looking middle aged actress with brown hair. Lura is a former beauty turned paranormal author after a near death experience. I the real Lura Ketchledge will prep actress before shoot.

Radio announcer- Six to eight voice over rolls TV news anchor-two male or female credible looking professionals Middle aged zombie couple-must be able to disco dance Bulimic college and sorority girls-four collage pretty skinny girls Lonie- pretty college age girl Uniformed

Speaking Roles-Military/ pilot/ sheriff /water rescue Zombie Extras 100 people of all ages who love to be zombies!

Dead bodies- Reuse zombie extras and have them play dead bodies.

Talent Type: Needed: Kentucky Actors,Horror makeup artists,production assistants

Comments: CASTING Saturday March 10,2012 in Lexington Kentucky 12 noon to 3pm North Side Library 1733 Russell Cave Road Lexington KY please bring headshot, resume, DVD if you have one Feel free to call 859 865 2689 email luraketch@aol.com please do not wear perfume or aftershave or scented lotions to casting call

First Name: Lura
Last Name: Ketchledge
City: Lexington
State: Kentucky
Email Address: luraketch@aol.com
URL: www.AnotherApocalypticZombieMovie.com

Casting Location: Lexington Kentucky
Contact email: luraketch@aol.com

One thought on “Lexington Kentucky Zombie Movie

  1. Caron Leonhardt

    i have some movie experience and a web site for audition purposes (resume, pics, info ect…) at caronleonhardt.exploretalent.com
    I have a genuine fear of zombies but love every minute of that. I have expert experience with horses and riding and currently live in louisville with one in my back yard. I would love to be a part of this. also, I have a lot of experience and knowledge of the paranormal!


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