Los Angeles theater – Actors Wanted

By | December 30, 2012

LA theatre posted by the writer/director – Seeks actors for multiple roles – see breakdowns below.

This notice was posted on auditionsfree.com

location: Los Angeles, CA

Category: Theater

“Gabriel”/”Male/“Slave” Tall, masculine, good-looking white, Latino or Asian guy should look between 30 and 48 yrs old. The “slave” role requires wearing a costume of S&M style leather and chains and real desperation, but no nudity or other shenanigans. The “Gabriel” role is mysterious and wordless, like a dark angel who’s other identity is revealed only near the end of the story. The “Male” role is a man full of charisma, very physical and expressive, good comedic timing, and playfulness to banter with his girlfriend (“Female”) in the show.

Southern murder suspect, “Client”/”Mom” Boisterous, zealous, a bit menacing, preferably full-figured, white woman. Southern murder suspect, “Client”/”Mom” Boisterous, zealous, a bit menacing, preferably full-figured, white woman, who can seem desperate and serious yet also possesses comedic timing, preferably a blonde, between 30-45yrs old, and can pull off a southern drawl for the “Client” role. A fun ‘n’ juicy pair of roles. Also a plus if she can sing vocal harmonies with the female singer in the band (original funky, jazzy fun cabaret-tinged songs)

3 meaty, range-showcasing roles for one good-looking white, Latino or Asian man. “Conditioned Man”/”Hank Struthers”/”Cassanova” 3 meaty, range-showcasing roles for one good-looking white, Latino or Asian guy between 22 and 42 yrs old. The first requires him to act and be made up to look much older than he is. He needs to be able to act feeble and sick for the first role, then virile, macho and a bit chauvinist pig for the 2nd. For the 3rd role, he needs to be a slick metro-sexual, bisexual, chic and mysterious type, but with a playful sense of humor and an insatiable libido. The first of these 3 roles requires very little line-memorization, but the 2nd is so intense that it’s almost a monologue. The 3rd role requires great comic timing and an ability to be physically sensitive to the other two actors onstage as the 3 stand shoulder to shoulder in a triangle together, and turn the triangle, to finish each others’ sentences.

“Luca”, beautiful, self-possessed, confident, mysterious, intelligent female lead, “Luca”, beautiful, self-possessed, confident, mysterious, intelligent female lead, between 21 and 34, preferably blonde or maybe with an unusual hair color or style, the female lead. Calls for some dance experience or ability to improvise creatively in a solo fan-dance (requires wearing pasties, no nudity) and couple dance in the tango-styled number. If you have experience singing vocal harmonies, you could also be considered for singing harmonies with the lead singer of the band. If you can sing harmonies and hear them easily, let us know and we’ll work that into your audition. If you have an video of yourself in a dance routine of any kind, please send us a link to that too.

“Doc A”/”Dad”, 35-70 yrs old Psychiatrist, authoritarian and confident, in the role of “Doc A” to the point of nearly menacing, yet softened with at least the possibility that he may care for his mentally delusional and wildly romantic patient and is simply trying to do the right thing. Need a white man who can be made to look a bit older for the “Doc A” role than for the “Dad” role, which requires another kind of character read, showing nice range, as “Dad” is kind, understanding but brow-beaten, sad, and powerless against the “Mom” character. Grey or white hair is a plus!

“Girl Next Door/Rainbow Aerosmith/Female Id” , Black girl 21-36, sexy, beautiful, uninhibited, to play the extroverted “Girl Next Door” who gives another girl the confident boost she needs in a broad-strokes, performance art style scene, to play the fantasy girl come to life, “Rainbow Aerosmith”, requiring a bit of expressive dance moves, and the “Female Id” who seriously and somberly interprets the real thoughts of an arguing couple by stepping forward and verbally expressing, as well as giving a few humorous American sign language cues. Must have comedic timing and be able to play deadpan unemotional as well. Opportunity to show nice range by playing all 3 characters in this ensemble production.

“The Lord’s Lover” is a multi-media cabaret-style show, on one level, a passionate love story told mostly in monologues with a twist at the end. On other levels, it’s a universal thought-provoking exploration into the timeless questions of Love and God, featuring a live jazz/cabaret band, surreal video projections, live dance and elements of performance art.

Performed by a tight ensemble cast of actors sharing multiple roles to show great range, the audience is constantly engaged. Interspersed in the love story of the two young romantics, are 7 vignettes, some humorous, some philosophical, some like performance art, others like surrealistic slices of parallel lives… live dance performances, including a dramatic tango and a sensual fan dance, as a live jazz/neo-soul/cabaret band plays.

This show begins with an initial run of 6 weeks, with a weekly residence, beginning Wednesday March 6, 2013 in Silver Lake at the nightclub/restaurant “Los Globos” in the “Red Room” upstairs, and continuing Wednesdays thereafter, with the potential for extension.

Actors and musicians will be paid a percentage of the total tickets sold during shows. (exact percentage will be determined after casting of actors and band is complete) The room seats over 200 and the show will be widely publicized.

Rehearsals will be primarily afternoons on weekends or weekdays and done in sections until mid-February, when full run-throughs will take place. Punctuality and line-preparedness are essential with this production, to preserve the integrity and high level of excellence of the ensemble.

Please submit a head shot, resume and contact info to the LordsLover@gmail.com.

We are also considering actors for harmony singers/percussionists. If you sing harmonies and would like to with the singer of the show’s band, please let us know, send us a link to some music you’ve sung and let us know if you can hear harmonies and what kind of voice you have.

We will contact you about an audition for “The Lord’s Lover” if we are interested. Thank you sincerely for your interest in the Lord’s Lover and your willingness to share your talents with the world!

Juliet Annerino

Job type: Other

Casting Location: Los Angeles, CA
Contact email: TheLordsLover@gmail.com

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