Los Angeles web series

By | October 5, 2012

location: Los Angeles

Category: Web series

We are seeking two actors for a comedic shoot this Sunday, October 7th. Very professional crew. Please see character breakdown and time requirements below:

ROGER MILLER – 50’s to 60’s – Extremely successful businessman and now politician. He is caught having an affair with a much younger woman. NO NUDITY, but must be comfortable in boxers and white tank top/t-shirt. Very quick scene that allows for improv. All the footage will be emailed to you to use in any direction you want. 2 hour commitment this Sunday from 8-10pm.

JEFF BRITZ – 40’s to 50’s – High powered network executive. Exudes confidence and knows how to keep conversation short and to the point. This network denies the pitch from our two leads and ends up getting shanked. This whole scene will be done comically. 3-4 hour commitment this Sunday at 11am in Redondo Beach. (We will reimburse gas money)

Sorry, no stipend, but can provide footage, food and creativity….and a great set to work on.

Please email headshots and resume ASAP.

Thank you.

Job type: Non Paid

Casting Location: Los Angeles
Contact email: info@imagination9.com

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