Major Network Casting Powerhouse Inspirational Docu-Drama

By | July 14, 2012

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location: Nationwide

Category: Docu-series

Have you been turned away by those closest to you in your past because of your life choices or simply for being you- ultimately abandoned by the people you expected to stand by you unconditionally?

Your reasons and stories vary widely but ultimately you were a young person left to fend for yourself, struggled and suffered loss, heartbreak but in the end, persevered on your own, started a new life for yourself and are now proudly living your life that you’ve created from scratch without the help of the people you once relied on.

Whether kicked out by your parents for anything from coming out to a teenage pregnancy, deserted by friends for alternate choices, friendships, turned away from church and community for anything from dating a different faith to interracial relations/love, turning down the family business to chase your own dreams or abandoned by those closest to you for a variety of reasons- you know how it feels to be turned away, ostracized and left to start over on your own- and you did! But you also know what it feels like to wish you could go home and be accepted for who you are, unconditionally.

If this sounds like you, we’re casting right now for emotional, heart wrenching, yet inspirational stories with a goal of together, opening people’s eyes, minds and hearts.

Please contact/email KM,Casting Director

Be sure to include:
Your name, age
Brief Description of your story
A photo of yourself
And the best way to reach you!

Job type: Other

Casting Location: Nationwide
Contact email:

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