MTV casting couples – Reality TV

By | November 15, 2012

Are you a part of a couple that is going to go into a long distance relationship?

Does your relationship have an expiration date? Are you going back to school, moving, deploying or taking a semester abroad? Are you forced to confront the looming decision of a long distance relationship or break up? MTV would like to explore what it’s like to be thrown into the uncomfortable state of expiration dating – whether you’ve recently met your partner or going steady with the love of your life. We want to hear your story about the relationship deadline you’re facing.

If your relationship expiration date is fast approaching and you appear to be at least 18 — 24 years of age- we want to hear from you! Send an email to and tell us about your relationship situation. Please include your names, contact info and location. Don’t forget to attach recent photos of you both.

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