MTV casting Special “It Gets Better”

By | June 19, 2012

MTV is casting for another acclaimed “It Gets Better” special. We are looking for people who appear to be 15-25, and want to share their stories and experiences about growing up LGBT.

The more information you share, the better we get to know you!
You should be open to sharing your stories and struggles on-camera. If interested, please email us your story and the following information at

Please include:
• Name
• Location
• Phone Number
• Photo

Your Story:
• When did you become aware of your sexual orientation/gender identity?
• How “out” are you to your parents, family, friends, classmates, co-workers, etc?
• What sort of relationship do you currently have with your family?
• What, do you think, are the unique challenges that you face as an LGBT person?
• What needs to get better for you? What has gotten better for you?
• What are the biggest challenges you currently face and how are you approaching these challenges?
• When you’re not in school or at work, what do you do for fun? What makes you most happy? What are your future goals?

Thanks for your interest, and we look forward to hearing your story.

If you did not see MTV’s first “It Gets Better” special and would like to check it out, here it is:

2 thoughts on “MTV casting Special “It Gets Better”

  1. Darrius White

    Name: Darrius White
    Location: little Rock, Arkansas

    Photo @ My Twitter @Darrius501

    I’m Hope i Can Share My True Side To People Just Like Me


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