New Network TV Pilot – Miami and Atlanta

By | December 9, 2012

Posted by the Executive Producer

location: Miami, FL and Atlanta, GA

Category: TV Pilots

SAG UL Project starting mid March 21013

From the creators of “Canoa Heights” (now in works with LOGO) Q Lite Entertainment brings you a new pilot series being pitched to 4 major networks HBO, The CW, TNT, Showtime. We are casting for the pilot in December to get our pitch package together such as photo shoots and cast info. Below are the pay rates for actors in the pilot. If you would like to submit yourself or your client to the pilot “REDD” please email headshot and resume to the email address below and casting reps will send you more information.

Actor (w/ no tv credits) – 250/day 100/photo shoot
Actor (w/ 1-3 tv credits) – 400/day 100/photo shoot
Actor (w/ 4 –more tv credits) 800/day 100/photo shoot

REDD is a spin off of red riding hood. It’s about a 18 year old prostitute, Rachel “REDD” Burne who lives with her drug addict young mother Andrea Burne, who had Rachel as a prostitution job gone wrong, and finally kicks Rachel out. Rachel has nowhere else to go but move in with her Nana Grace. But will her pimp Rafael Wolfe let her get off the streets, after moving in with her nana Rachel gets picked up by a cop, Officer Johnny Collins, who while be a love interest and only her best friend and coworker Josie “Midnight” Huff can help her keep some normality during her crazy life.

Character Descriptions (small)

Rachel “REDD” Burne – 18-23 white blonde female 5’4-5’8 slim, Rachel is a 18 year old prostitute, who dreams of being an actress, she lives with her drug addict mother who kicks her out then lives with nana. Rachel has an on again off again romance with her pimp but falls in love with her an officer in her nana hometown. She holds dear a torn up red hoodie that her father gave her, which is why they call her Redd.

Rafael Wolfe – 25-30 Hispanic male 6’ –taller husky, Rafael is the pimp of REDD, he has had a romance with her for almost a year. He is very upset when she moves away and stalks her all the way there and try’s to get her to come back. He is very twisted cold-hearted individual.

Officer Johnny Collins – 20-25 white male 5’10 – taller, Officer Collins is a fresh new cop on the force. He picks up REDD one night during a prostitution bust and lets her go cause he doesn’t want Nana Grace to find out she had gone back to selling herself. They soon start to see each other more. Johnny is a sweet kindhearted person who truly cares about Rachel’s well being.

Nana Grace – 50-55 white female 5’5 -5’8, Nana grace owns a laundry mat in the small town of Avera, GA. Once Rachel moves in with her she trys her best to keep her out of trouble like she has tried to do with her daughter Andrea. She convinces Andrea to move in as well as it will be the best thing for Rachel. Nana Grace is a hardworking older lady.

Josie “MIDNIGHT” Huff – 20-25 hispanic female 5’5-5’8, Josie works with Rachel and is one of her best friends. Josie is a little older than Rachel but takes her on like a little sister. Josie helps Rachel try and get away from their pimp Rafael.

Andrea Burne – 30-35 white blonde female 5’5-5’8, Andrea is Rachel’s drug addict mother. She got pregnant with Rachel on the job as a prostitute. The baby father tried to be in the life but she was so embarrassed that it had happen that she had forbid him to ever see Rachel. She kicks Rachel out in the hope that she will try and change her life. Andrea also, later on moves in with her mother to help her addiction.


Rodger Waller – 50’s white male – wife of Patty Waller who owns the local bar

Sergeant Rodney Bells – 30-40 white male – the Chief of Police in Avera. He has a thing for Andrea Burne

Martha Locke
Jessica Locke
Patty Waller
Matthew Bells
Alli Justice
Justin Jusitce

Q Lite Entertainment Staff
Cayce Guest – Executive Producer/ CEO
Sebastian Montoya – Executive Producer/ COO
Karen Cantley – Line Producer
Kelli Wilcoxen – Casting Director
Michelle Faldoski – Assistant Casting Director
Dawn Hunt – Casting Associate
Sherrie Billings – Casting Associate
Frederick Day – PR Rep


Job type: Paid

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Casting Location: Miami, FL and Atlanta, GA
Contact email:

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