NH – Theater Auditions

By | November 30, 2012

Bedford Off Broadway Theater
This notice was posted on auditionsfree.com

location: bedford, nh

Category: Theater


A NH PREMIER COMEDY “Duck Hunter Shoots Angel by MITCH ALBOM” —

Wednesday 12/12/12 & Thursday 12/13/12, 7:00 PM @ Bedford Olde Town Hall, 3 Meetinghouse Lane, Bedford.

CHARACTERS: 7 men, 1 woman, and 2 characters could be either male or female

Auditions will be cold readings from the script; monologues not required but if you wish to do one, it should be comedic and show some improvisation.
Please contact Director at Nhgoalie@myfairpoint.net with questions/concerns.
Bedford Old Town Hall, 3 Meetinghouse Rd., Bedford, NH

[Performance dates are scheduled for March 14 (Gala), 15, 16, 22 & 23, 2013
& Tech Week starts 3/10; Call-backs on Monday 12/17 and/or Tuesday 12/18… TBA…]

There will be some flexibility on the age ranges and please note 2 of the characters can be male or female. We will use southern accents with the appropriate characters and will ask for that at auditions. We will have someone to help with accents during rehearsals.

Rehearsals are Wednesdays, Thursdays & Sundays starting 1/16/13
*Flexibility may be considered and discussed with Director…*

THE STORY: DUCK HUNTER SHOOTS ANGEL is the uproarious story of two bumbling Alabama brothers who have never shot a duck but think they shot an angel. As they lament their fates in a murky swamp they are chased by a cynical tabloid journalist and his reluctant photographer, who don’t believe any of it –- until feathers, wings and a tiara are discovered along the way. They play hysterically interweaves a love story, sibling rivalry, tawdry media, race relations and cultural stereotypes as the chase to find the angel builds to a crescendo in the swamp. Ultimately a sweet allegory about redemption, DUCK HUNTER SHOOTS ANGEL has been hailed by audiences as a rare comedy
with a surprisingly heartfelt lesson.

SANDY – (age range 30s-40s) Sandy is a burnt-out tabloid journalist from New York, Sandy is the narrator of the piece who explains his last big story for the Weekly World and Globe to a god/therapist presence as it is acted out on stage. He’s jaded and haunted by past demons, but basically a good guy. He’s a northerner who’s spent some time in Alabama early in his career.
LENNY – (age range mid-20s to late 40s) This character is African-American and can be female or male! If female, Lenny (short for Leonora) is a photographer for the Weekly World and Globe who is professional, focused and a veteran of the tabloid trade. The female Lenny is a wise-cracking city girl with remote family ties to the south and has no patience for their racial or political attitudes. Female Lenny’s also a bit of a princess and fashion-victim, choosing big city style and glamour over practicality for every occasion. She has attitude, a political savvy, and is a bit of a cougar where Lester’s concerned. She likes Sandy, but calls him on his crap. If male, Lenny (short for Leonard) is a photographer for the Weekly World and Globe who is a world-weary professional, and a veteran of the tabloid trade. The male Lenny is a wise-cracking realist who has worked his way out of the south and has no patience for their racial or political attitudes. He has attitude, a political savvy, and likes Sandy, but calls him on his crap. Either character may or may not have a slight southern accent, but it’s been blurred by years in New York. Both love donuts!
LESTER – (age range 20’s to late 30’s) Sandy’s full-of-himself boss and the owner of the Weekly World and Globe, Lester is driven, arrogant, unintentionally humorous, pampered, and precocious. Not as experienced or worldly as he’d like to be, Lester inherited the magazine from his dad and wants to make the story work, regardless of the facts involved. He’s a New Yorker.
DUANE – (pronounced Duh-WAYNE): (age range 18 and up)One of the two brothers responsible for this story. Duane and his brother Duwell are the hunters who may-or-may-not have shot an angel in the Alabama swamp. Duane is the “brains” of the operation, scheming to make money and avert responsibility for the shooting as much as possible. He has always been Duwell’s caretaker and while sometimes harsh, he cares deeply for Duwell. Southern accent required, check out True Blood’s Jason and Sam for dialect models.
DUWELL – (pronounced Duh-WELL): (age range 18 and up)Duane’s dimmer, sweeter brother, Duwell is all heart and no head. He thinks with his emotions and strives to do what’s right, no matter what the consequences. Sweetness and an affable silliness are key words for Duwell. Southern accent required, check out True Blood’s Jason and Sam for dialect models. Southern accent required, check out True Blood’s Jason and Sam for dialect models.
WOMAN – late 20’s, Southern
KANSAS – (age range 17-22) Kansas is a 17 year old southern firecracker, who works at the local Gasmart owned by her mother. Kansas is sweet, smart, vulnerable, and a bit plucky and precocious. She’s not above scarping for what she believes in and her life has been focused on helping her single mother whenever possible. She has a positive attitude about the South and Sandy finds her charming. Southern accent required, check out True Blood’s Jessica and Arlene for dialect models.
PHIL – (age range 18 and up) Phil is a recurring physical presence throughout the play and he is a character in the story that made Sandy a name in the tabloid press industry. While the character has no lines, he does a lot of physical comedy and pantomiming of various characters interacting with Lester and Sandy. He is a human with the head of an alligator. Some dance skills would be helpful.

Job type: Non Paid

Casting Location: bedford, nh

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