San Francisco – Asian Actors needed for Novel Promo

By | March 9, 2012

Casting notice posted on, casting location: San Francisco Bay Area

Casting for PROMO for an upcoming novel that is a sequel to Quiet As They Come, a critically acclaimed collection of short stories.

Submit headshot and resume to (If you are going to play Duc please also submit a close up photo of your hands as well).

Audition Date: Wednesday March 14, 2012 3-6pm

Audition Location: Berkeley, CA

Shoot Date : TENTATIVELY Saturday March 31, 2012 AND also Sunday April 1 for DUC role.

Duc: Male. Late 20’s- Early 30’s. Asian/Vietnamese preferred. Classically Handsome. Tall. Lean but muscular. High cheekbones, full lips. Very important, he must have masculine looking hands– strong looking – hands that look like they could build a house or kill a man. On the more tanned side. Former high ranking officer in the S. Vietnamese Army, exudes proud confidence, restrained power, tortured sex appeal. Was captured as a POW. Imprisoned for 10 years. He suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. As a result, now exudes nervous erratic behavior. Passive aggression that easily spikes into violence. Wears white short sleeved collared shirt or khaki colored shirt. Basic wear.

Kim: Late 20’s- Early 30’s. Asian/Vietnamese preferred. Attractive/Cute/Sexy combo. Can be short, medium, or tall. Average weight but curvy, voluptuous, hour glass figure ideal. She is described as a Vietnamese Marilyn Monroe. Full lips. Mole above the lip. Medium to long hair. Characteristics: sensuous, aware of her body. Good at being composed. Resilient female, for example, she arrived in America with two children and no husband, not speaking a word of English. She is a survivor. She is smart. Clothing will be normal, sensible, timeless.

Compensation: Finished product for your reel. *Please note that the actors face will only be shown in fragments or sections.

Casting Location: San Francisco Bay Area
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