San Francisco – Viral Video

By | March 22, 2012

Posted by the Operation Manager
Casting notice posted on, casting location: San Francisco
Have you wanted to become a viral internet pranksta superstar?

Our company thrives on shock factor – pranks, stunts, flash mobs, etc. When we mention…naked zombies do we get your attention? How about putting your friend or enemy on a leash and asking them to talk like a stock analyst? Does the idea of your pranks going viral give you an orgasm? We hope not – uh…that would be weird. But if you want to be part of something crazy fun, send us links to what you’ve done and your ideas. The crazier the better. We’re super collaborative and want to work with you.

April Fools Day is on a Sunday – Let’s get crackn!

Casting Location: San Francisco
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