Short Film White Plains NY

By | October 2, 2012

Posted by the Producer
location: White PLains, NY

Category: Film

GASMASK a short film
NO PAY (expenses compensated)
GASMASK is a post apocalyptic thriller that tells the story of survival, deception and false assumptions.
The world has moved on…
What happened? How did it happen? Who was at fault for it? They’re all valid questions and would have been deserving of an answer in the world before this hell, when ignorance was an abomination. But in this hell there are no answers, and to question is to die. Those who survived the holocaust learned the hard way what most never learned at all; shut up, keep moving and trust no one.
GASMASK is a high concept short that provides a glimpse into Writer/Director Pablo Bonelli’s vision of the dark abysmal world populated by a few despondent remnants of our lost society. Principle photography is scheduled for November, the project being shot on the RED EPIC; actors will be compensated for travel and accommodations during the shoot as well as travel to and from rehearsals, though this is a NO PAY GIG. We are casting for the following roles:

JAMES – (Male, Caucasian, 29) A lone traveler in a barren wasteland James is a survivor. Smart, leery and well equipped, his life is ruled by simple needs; find food, keep moving and don’t get killed. As he crosses the desolate landscape on foot he has seen more of the horrors, which populate this new world than most, and he has survived them.

LARKIN – (Male, Caucasian, 45) Larkin is a bully plain and simple. He broods over his charges; a woman and twin boys, like a domineering villain. Perhaps they are his family, more likely not. However the four of them survive here on this abandoned farm like a twisted family, hosting the occasional traveler and treating them to their version of hospitality.

LUCILLE – (Female, Caucasian, 35) There was definitely a time when Lucille was as desirable and she is desirous, but that time is past. Her once soft, comely looks have been marred by the passing of many tough years. She has the appearance now of a settlers wife, tough and dirty. She is as wicked and twisted as the land itself.

MALACAI – (Male, Caucasian, 20) Jonas and his twin brother Malachi look like feral children who live in the woods. Though neither of the boys ever speak it is easy to see by his awful grin and provocative glare that Jonas is the dominant twin.
JONAS – (Male, Caucasian, 20) Jonas’ identical twin. Malachi is introverted and nervous. He avoids eye contact and skulks like a beaten dog.

Audition will be held in Westchester and Midtown October 9th – 11th. We prefer you register with Otherwise send resume and headshots to: RE: YOUR NAME + ROLE

Job type: Non Paid

Casting Location: White PLains, NY
Contact email:

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