Teens Wanted for Commercial, Roswell Georgia

By | July 3, 2012

This notice was posted on auditionsfree.com

location: Roswell, GA

Category: TV Commercial

This a commercial for Gordo’s Cheese Dip.
Right now, it is set to play on their Facebook and website. However, Gordo’s is highly considering moving into the television market in the future, so there is a good chance the commercial will receive television airtime.

The commercial is being produced by Zack Hosseini Films and directed by Zack Hosseini, who is currently an award-winning high school student filmmaker.

Commercial Synopsis:
Three teens discover a genie lamp in the middle of the street. After two wishes, one wishes for the best party ever. Gordo’s Cheese Dip appears in his hand and when he opens it, he is in a HUGE house party where everyone is having a good time and enjoying some Gordo’s Cheese Dip.

The commercial will have two shoot days the week of July 9th and filming will take place near Roswell, GA.


Teen #1
This teenager will be playing an average guy who meets the genie and wishes to be rich. Must provide own wardrobe of casual clothing with no brands or logos showing.

Gender: Male
Age: 14-18

Teen #2
This teenager will be playing a nerd who meets the genie and wishes for every girl to find him attractive. Must provide own wardrobe of casual clothing with no brands or logos showing. Also preferably have a tuxedo so he can be wearing it when the genie makes him “attractive”.

Gender: Male
Age: 14-18
Ethnicity: Caucasian

Teen #3
This teenager will be playing an average guy who meets the genie and wishes for the best party ever. This is when the genie gives him the cheese dip. Must provide own wardrobe of casual clothing with no brands or logos showing.

Please submit headshots and resumes to Casting@ZackHosseiniFilms.com
Auditions will take place over Skype late this week.

Job type: Non Paid

Casting Location: Roswell, GA
Contact email: Casting@ZackHosseiniFilms.com

One thought on “Teens Wanted for Commercial, Roswell Georgia

  1. Demonte Thompson

    Hi I am a 14 year old African American from Detroit Michigan that would like to audition for teen #1.


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