Theater Auditions Sydney Australia

By | May 17, 2012

Into The Mirror
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location: Sydney, NSW

Category: Theater

Production Title: Into The Mirror
Production Type: Independent
Project length: 80 minutes
Project format: Play
Posted on: 13 May 2012
Casting Closes: 16 June 2012
Production location: King Street Theatre, Newtown
Production Company: DamShel Productions Inc
Company website:
Director: Shelley Wall
Playwright: Shelley Wall
Producer: Shelley Wall, Helen Stuart and Pat Carter
Casting Director: Shelley Wall
Mobile: 0457 927 653

Please send CV and headshots to Shelley Wall via email at
2 June 2012 08:30 – 18:00
9 June 2012 08:30 – 18:00
Call Backs: 16 June 2012 08:30 – 18:00 (If required.)
Rehearsals Starts: On weekends commencing 21 July 2012
Performance: 19 November – 15 December 2012

Into the Mirror is a new play by Australian playwright Shelley Wall.
After eighteen months in the UK, Melanie arrives home to share one of the most significant moments of her life with her mother and Aunt Sophia. Instead, Melanie is confronted with her mother’s transitioning.
Tyler is in a relationship with Laura, and finds herself attracted to Kendall. Kendall struggling with a fear of rejection keeps Tyler ignorant of his transitioning. Perception and reality collide in a moment of passion; the ensuing conflict explores the dynamics of betrayal and trust.
Into the Mirror uses the gender lens of Kendall’s transitioning to explore the bond between mothers and daughters, lovers, families and friends; highlighting the issues that are present within relationships.
Gender: Female To Male (FTM) Age: 45
Note: Female actors only for this role.
Age range for casting: 35 to 50
Kendall is in the final stages of transitioning. He has been on testosterone therapy for two years; post a mastectomy, hysterectomy and oophorectomy surgeries. He is booked for his final Genital Reconstruction Surgery in the United States. Kendall has an almost chivalrous approach towards women and romance. Kendall’s desire to be the man he wants to be has led him to believe he must erase every facet of his previous life as Sally. This act creates conflict between him and his daughter, Melanie, who wants her mother back.
Kendall struggles to have a relationship with a woman as they poke fun at him when he tells them the truth. The Kendall character explores the dynamics of perceptions within a relationship; Tyler accept Kendall as a man, yet he keeps her ignorant of his transitioning for fear of rejection.
Gender: Female Age: 70’s
Age range for casting: 50 to 80
Sophia is a loyal and dependable friend of Kendall’s. Her relationship with Melanie is that of mother and daughter. Sophia is deeply reflective and understands human frailties in part, due to her own colourful past, yet she does not interfere in the lives of others. Sophia is the old matriarch of the family only she hasn’t seen her son in forty years. Why? The Sophia character explores how people cleverly hide aspects of their lives from others.
As perception is reality, Melanie sees Sophia, yet Sophia has gone to extraordinary lengths to disguise the truth from Melanie. Ultimately it is Melanie’s love for Sophia that helps her come to terms with Kendall’s transitioning. Are we ever too old to move on and accept the decisions we make, well intentioned, however misguided they may be?

Gender: Female Age: 22
Age range for casting: 20 to 35
Melanie’s career is taking off and she flies home from the UK to tell her mother about her pending nuptials. What a shock when standing there before her in the opening scene is this stranger in her mother’s place. Yes, Kendall told her of his transitioning but like everything, you don’t believe it until you see it. How does a daughter deal with that?
Melanie is in denial and her child within emerges intent on hurting Kendall. Despite this, Melanie is essentially a good person, she has gone to extraordinary lengths to find Sophia’s son and when she has the opportunity to destroy Laura’s world, she demonstrates compassion by withholding the truth from her.

Job type: Other

Casting Location: Sydney, NSW
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