Theater – New Haven ‘The Full Monty’

By | April 15, 2012

Casting notice posted on, casting location: Greater New Haven
Auditions April 28 & 29, please email details & an appointment.
Casting 12 Men, 8 Women, 1 Boy
We are looking for actors with comedy chops and wide emotional range. Except for a few roles, solid vocal technique is a must. Most of the men sing a variety of styles with considerable range. The women (except for Jeanette) all sing in a moderate Mezzo/Belt range. All include challenging harmonies while moving or dancing. While you don’t need training or experience in any particular style of dance, you must be able to move well and have high-energy.

Unless specifically noted, all body types are welcome! Wear clothing to auditions that reveals your overall body shape accurately. You will not need to undress at auditions. Except for ‘Nathan,’ all actors must be at least 18 years old before rehearsals begin in June to audition. Actors auditioning for Nathan must be at least 10 years old.

This show has adult themes and language and brief nudity. All ages indicated are based on appearance, not actual age.

Show dates: July 12 -21

Casting Location: Greater New Haven
Contact email:

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