Tony n’ Tina’s Hollywood Wedding

By | January 17, 2012

Tony n’ Tina’s Hollywood Wedding
Casting notice posted on, casting location: Los Angeles, CA
Tony – groom, early to mid 20’s, handsome, rowdy, charming

Tina – bride, early to mid 20’s, pretty, party girl, headstrong, tough

Barry – best man, late 20’s, everybody’s pal, good guy

Connie – maid of honor, late 20’s, pregnant, jaded

Dominic – usher, early to mid 20’s, party animal with a heart of gold

Donna – bridesmaid, early to mid 20’s, cute white trash, good singer. Really good pop singer needed. Alto preferred.

Johnny – usher, 20, Tony’s little brother. A cute flirt.

Marina – bridesmaid, early to mid 20’s, insecure tag-along, the gang’s doormat

Josephina – Tina’s mom, 45 – 50, strong willed, a martyr. Singing a plus.

Joey – Tina’s brother, 30, gay, loves “show biz”

Sister Albert Maria – Tina’s cousin, mid 20’s, family oddball. Singing a plus.

Tony Nunzio Sr. – Tony’s dad, 50, charismatic in a sleazy way, sees himself as the king

Madeline Monroe – Tony Sr.’s girlfriend, 20’s, stripper, good looking and hard living.

Grandma Nunzio – Tony’s grandma, 70’s, spry, a little crazy

Michael Just – late 20’s, Tina’s ex-boyfriend, just got out of rehab, a burnout

Father Mark – priest, 30’s, thinks he’s hip and one of the gang.

Sal Antonucci – photographer, 40, pushy, eccentric

Vinnie Black – caterer, late 40’s, amateur comedian, used car salesman type

Loretta Black – Vinnie’s wife, late 40’s, brow beaten by Vinnie, a little worn.

Donny Dulce – late 20’s, sexy wedding deejay – excellent pop singer.

Casting Location: Los Angeles, CA
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