TV pilot casting in DC

By | August 10, 2012

Posted by the Producer
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location: Washington DC

Category: TV Pilots

Auditions are being held for an original comedy pilot entitled “Fluffers” this coming weekend Sunday, August 12th from Noon – 5pm. Contact producer Alex Bryant at to set up an audition time and receive sides.

Audition location is Source at 1835 14th Street NW, Washington DC 20009

This is a pilot that is being self financed and is using SAG and non-SAG actors. Actors will be compensated. Character list and descriptions below.


Fluffers centers on James Fluff, a divorced thirty year old man returning to his hometown with his tale between his legs. HIs grandparents give him another chance with their family business – a porn production company. This leads the company in a new direction helmed by James and the whole company gets behind him except for his younger brother who was a big shot at the company before James came back. James quickly falls for Catherine who works at the company but unbeknownst to him, she is the star of the films at the production company.

Important clarification – while the main premise centers around a pornography studio there will be no nudity and little cursing. We are shooting for possible broadcast.

James Fluff — a late twenties white male with a few days scruff on his face and sporting a shaggy quaff that rivals his ratty suit in dingyness. He is a young man without direction. He has had a rough life that fell apart when his father died and their furniture business went under. His fiance soon left him and he was forced to receive help from his grandparents by working at the studio. He is smart and quick witted, if at times self deprecating and morose.

Catherine Roberts — a twenty something attractive brunette with classical girl next door features. She is the lead porn actress at the studio and has been doing it for a couple years now. She grew up poor and had to get a job out of high school to provide for herself and family.

Gladys Fluff — a jovial old lady with a side of bitch who wears the armor of a woman who spent a lifetime fighting society to finally own and control her own business. She’s small and white haired with a grandmotherly vibe that also can turn on a dime to be fierce and combative. She runs the day to day business of the company and is bringing James in to one day replace her.

Frank Fluff — an old balding moustachioed man in a flowery shirt with sharp wit. He is very grandfatherly and takes an interest in the Furries that clean up the studio. He is Gladys’ number two but usually just putters around checking up on crew and cast. Loyal, kind, and has never met a stranger.

Doug Fluff — a mild mannered mid-twenties scrawny know-it-all hipster in a sleeveless plaid shirt and tight jeans. He is the brother to James and grandson to Gladys and Frank. Being around James brings out his petulant younger brother persona. He is best friends and moderately co-dependent on Tommy. He is the cinematographer and cameraman at Fluffers Studios.

Tommy Baumer — an athletic mid-twenties black male in a t-shirt that reads “My Other Jesus is a Camaro”. He’s a funny, fun loving guy who can get along with anyone and is well liked by anyone he meets. He’s the sound guy and best friend to Doug. He also dates Ashley and that relationship challenges his relationship with Doug.

Ashley Cole — a twenty year old sorority girl with an easy sexiness to her. She is kind and not the brightest but makes up for it in her personality. She is the wardrobe/make-up/hairdresser at Fluffers Studios and dates Tommy.

Thurgood Munson — a quirky little fellow with a flat top and moustache. He wears a lot of vests and cowboy boots. He loves dragons and anything weird. He is the editor at Fluffers Studios.

Gram Donaldson — an athletic classically good looking golden retriever of a man. He is good natured and jovial while not being the sharpest knife in the drawer. He is the young buck of the studio recently brought in to replace Shelton.

Shelton Baggins — a man of forty with a beer belly, and an air of disgusting desirability. His shirt is sweat stained and while repulsive, there is a part of him that can be seen as attractive. He’s a hothead and down on his luck. He is the aging star at Fluffers Studios.

Job type:

Casting Location: Washington DC
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