USA’s New Reality Series – “The Moment” – Now Casting!

By | February 7, 2012

Casting notice posted on, casting location: Los Angeles & Surrounding Areas
Prestigious Production Company,
The Hochberg Ebersol Company (THE Company),
MysticArt Pictures and America’s #1 cable network are now searching nationwide for individuals who were on a path pursing their dream career and life took a turn….

What if you were given a second chance to achieve your dream career?

If you or someone you know can answer yes to any of the questions below, we want to hear from you!

Did you start on the path towards your dream career?
Did something derail you years ago and
prevent you from pursuing your dream career?
Do you have the experience, education and/or
qualifications to make your dream a reality?

Nominate your dad, husband, wife, mom, or relative!

Incredibly dynamic men and women with at least 30 years of life experience.

We are interested in Dream Careers such as, but not limited to:
We are interested in Dream Careers such as, but not limited to:
Costume designer
Wine Maker
Brew Master
Pro-Photographer for Sports or Fashion/Runway
High-End Pastry Chef
Private Chef
Pit Crew for Nascar
Make-Up Artist
Dolphin Trainer
Toy Designer

Please log onto our website – – too fill out an application for “The Moment.”

Casting Location: Los Angeles & Surrounding Areas
Contact email:

2 thoughts on “USA’s New Reality Series – “The Moment” – Now Casting!

  1. JoLynn Sirak

    I am writing on behalf of my husband, Ken who has always wanted to coach a college baseball team. He played minor league baseball with the Phillies in 1990 to 1993. He has such a great love for the game and an even better love for our family. He set aside his dream in order to provide for the 3 of us, working so hard to allow me to raise our kids. It would be great to see him realize his dream of coaching a college team. He has coached our son through Little League and even helped our 13 year son, Andrew’s team make it to the Babe Ruth World Series in Williston ND last summer. I can’t tell you enough how much he loves the game and coaching. He just comes alive when he is coaching. I appreciate your time and consideration of this request and I look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, JoLynn.

  2. iesha muhammad

    I want to have a shot and being a script writer that’s all I want. It’s been hard helping my family. Our house burned down we are now residing in a hotel trying to find another place to live and me trying to follow my dream is like never going to happen. I always need money for something, I’m desperate, please.


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