White Collar Brawler – Reality TV Nationwide

By | February 21, 2012

Casting notice posted on auditionsfree.com, casting location: Dallas, LA, Pittsburgh

Are you looking to prove you’re more than just your 9 to 5? Want to get in the ring and see what you’re really made of? Then this show is for you! WHITE COLLAR BRAWLER is casting male office workers 18-55 who are willing to take on a challenge and see if they can take a punch. You and a coworker will commit to a new diet, a new workout regimen, and a whole new way of thinking, training together under boxing professionals. At the end of the training period, you’ll step into the ring and fight it out to see who truly is the best WHITE COLLAR BRAWLER. Will you run, or will you stand and fight? Please submit Name, Age, City and Story to paulcasting12@gmail.com

Casting Location: Dallas, LA, Pittsburgh
Contact email: paulcasting12@gmail.com

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