Alabama – Casting call for Zombies

By | November 23, 2013

Alabama – A tv pilot is now casting people to be zombies!

This could be you… see pic below

If you love the Walking Dead and Zombie movies, this may be right up your alley. A TV pilot shooting in Alabama is looking for extras to play zombies. So if you can pull off that “I’m gonna eat your brains” look……


The pilot will be filming the first week of December in Alabama

Dec. 2nd through Dec 11th – If you are available for filming during that time and would like to be a zombie you can submit your photo and contact information to the casting directors.


Email your name, clothing sizes, photo, availability, and location

See the casting notice flyer for the email to submit to.

Alabama zombie auditions

2 thoughts on “Alabama – Casting call for Zombies

  1. Aaron Scott

    hello there good evening, I’m looking for an Opportunity to work on another film set. I have worked on a film as an extra for a Jackie Robinson movie “42” last year of 2012. I would be more than happy to an opportunity to be a zombie extra for this film. Looking forward to hear from you.

  2. Carma Gilliam

    I live very close to Atlanta..In Austell Ga. I am looking to work soon.


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