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Casting Feature Film – Florida, Actors and Extras

By | January 12, 2013

Feature film

Heavens evaluation of a crime boss who killed for a righteous cause..
Place Calvary Chapel Plantation: 11801 West Broward Blvd. Plantation Fla. 33325
Time : January 25th.Friday 7-11pm Call Mike: to arrange a specific time. 954-793-3427
Possible remuneration. Prepare a 2-5 minute monologue

1)Pastor Glick-, A smart charming used to be thug, streetwise high profile conversion to Jesus Christ. About 26 to 29 years of age.

2)Shelly Glick, Pastor Glicks wife, ex drug abuser, ex prostitute. Born Again hard, beautiful.

3)- Stella Glick , pastor Glicks mother 50-60 Susan Surandan type

4)Jimmy Dutch, An organized crime boss, 40-50, A loveable but ruthless crime boss.

5) Ahmad, a survivor of Christian persecution in the middle east, his survivors guilt expresses itself in comedic ability.

6)Pete the bookie. A punchy twichy, great with numbers, fast talker. 20-50

7)Ray, A good looking captain, good with the ladies. 20’s 30’s Will do anything to make his mark.

8) Guliver- a great big giant of a man. Body guard.

9) Barney- slim, withdrawn, shadowy type. Early twenties

10)Toni, small thin, shark eyes, cold stone killer.

11) Frankie-short stocky loud mouthed. Teens to mid twenties.

12)Rosie Wild eyed red head, Frankie’s mother, late 30’s forties, high strung.

13)40ishTina good looking hair dresser.

14) Father Ted An olive skinned dark eyed fat priest.

6-10 guys basket ball players
Extras for speed park.

6 thoughts on “Casting Feature Film – Florida, Actors and Extras


    I am a graduate from JC Filming school, I would love to be a part of your project.

  2. miguel

    I would like to participate. I’m in the broward area. tall, hispanic.

  3. Jacob Terrell

    I would like to be an extra. Email me for details about myself.

  4. Kaitlyn Gainey

    I would like to be an extra. I’m female and American. I am also 15.

  5. Arturo resendiz abarca

    I would like to participate as an extra.
    I’m from Mexico (I speak a little English not much)
    Thank you…… I await your response…. Bye


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