Casting Tweens, Middle School children for Morgan Spurlock film

By | December 18, 2013

Morgan Spurlock, the controversial filmmaker behind such films as One Direction: This is Us , Supersize Me, and The greatest movie ever sold is casting for a new documentary film project about tweens that are having a hard time fitting in at school, socially or culturally.

Morgan Spurlock is an American documentary filmmaker, humorist, television producer, screenwriter, political activist, and casting director… for his own projects.


Applications for the show are being taken online in the form of video audition.

Morgan Spurlock casting new film

Do you have a tween that walks to the beat of her own drum and is often misunderstood by her peers? Do classmates poke fun at your child for being one of the bigger students in his class, even though he’s a healthy and happy kid? Is your child incredibly intelligent or creative but just doesn’t fit in with other kids her own age? Is your tween a recent immigrant struggling to navigate American culture without abandoning his native culture?

If you feel your tween child has an interesting story to tell and would be comfortable sharing it, then we want to hear from you!

Morgan Spurlock (One Direction: This is Us, Supersize Me) and a popular children’s cable network are currently casting a documentary project about middle school students who feel like they “just don’t fit in.” We are specifically looking for suburban students in the continental U.S. between the ages of 10-13. If selected to participate, we would film with your child for approximately three days in January/February 2014.

This series takes an inside look at the lives of tweens in America. We are giving a select few kids the unique opportunity to share their stories with the world and to inspire other kids by showing them that they’re not alone as they navigate these exciting but sometimes awkward years.

Your child must be a middle school student between the ages of 10-13 by January 1st, 2014. The deadline to apply for the show in January 20 2014.

You must live in a suburban area of the continental US
To apply visit or if you have questions, please email us at

Morgan Sputlock film

2 thoughts on “Casting Tweens, Middle School children for Morgan Spurlock film

  1. Ashley

    Hi my name is Ashley and I have brown hair with blue/green eyes. I’m 13 and I have a hard time in school with all the people who don’t accept me. So I could really relate to this part. I’m like a needle in the haystack, nobody ever notices me in the halls. I always get pushed against the walls and called mean names. So I think I would be perfect for this part. I have a hard time getting used to life. Everybody does so I just have to get used to it. I want to show people that bullies are just people insecure of their self. This would be a great opportunity to show my pain. Thank you for your time:) LOVE YA<3

  2. Abby

    Hi, my name is Abby Liptak I am Turing 12 I have long brown curly hair and brown eyes. I think I would be perfect for this part.


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