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Chicago Theater production seeks actors

Confessions of a Psycho

Where: Philadelphia, PA
This casting notice was posted on

Type: Theater

JRS Productions will be holding a casting on March 23, 2013 at 11:00am-3:00pm (ONLY), at the Majestic Ballroom 800 W. Olney Ave, Philadelphia, Pa. For and up coming production that will be featured in the 2013 DC Black Theater Festival in Washington, DC. The Festival will be held from June 21-30th, you must be available during this time frame. We are casting for both men and women. Please submit head shot and resume to There will be audition sides available on site, however we encourage you to have a 1-2 minute monologue prepared upon request.

Serious Inquires may audition for more than one production. Casting Call Breakdown:


“CONFESSIONS OF A PSYCHO” (full length) is a complex tale of a woman who was committed to a mental institution after a stunt she pulled during her murder trial. The hot shot detective, who is also a psychiatrist has been assigned to the case to determine if she is competent enough to stand trial. Eventually he sees right thru her mind games and does everything in his power to attempt to get her to confess, despite his personal distractions and sexual frustration, he refuses to let her taint his intense reputation as the best of the best.

NOTE: This play is for a mature audience, we are looking for actors that are comfortable with strong language and content.

Payment: Other

City or Location of call: Philadelphia, PA
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