Comedy Central TV Pilot

By | February 8, 2013

Gone To: Therapy

Where: Clearwater, FL
This casting notice was posted on

Type: TV Pilots

TV Pilot Casting 2013

The New York Television Festival (NYTVF) and Comedy Central have teamed up to find original pilots. The winning pilot will receive a development deal with Comedy Central and runners-up may be optioned as well. Read more at:

There is no pay involved, but you will get footage for your reel AND exposure at Comedy Central!

Gone to: Therapy is a character driven comedy revolving around the antics of a couple’s therapy group. Actors must have excellent comedic timing and some improvisation skills.


Marty Galet, LMHC – (male, 40’s-50’s, open ethnicity) The voice of reason in this room of crazies. Marty has a Zen-like demeanor and appearance. He’s well educated and professional, but still has his odd corks.

Couple 1
Danni Ryan – (female, late 20’s, open ethnicity) She is quite the drama queen and as an actress/ singer, breaks into performance whenever possible. Danni is beautiful, self absorbed, attention driven, unrealistically confident, loves to hear herself talk, and lacks self awareness. She lives for drama and creates it for her own amusement. Due to her attention seeking behavior, she often dresses provocative or inappropriate. Danni is also obsessed with her boyfriend, Evan. She’s clingy, possessive, and needy.

Evan Keene – (male, 20’s-30’s, open ethnicity) He’s the handsome, guy next door type. Evan is intelligent, rational, sarcastic, and disciplined. He’s a pretty laid-back guy, except when it comes to Danni. Evan’s been with his girlfriend for 3 long years, and for the most part he can’t really stand her. He stays with Danni for two reasons: the sex is amazing and he’s worried what she might be capable of if he did ever break up with her.

Couple 2
Billy Dubious – (male, 30’s, open ethnicity) If you looked up pathetic in the dictionary, Billy’s picture would be there. He’s neurotic, indecisive, paranoid, innocent, sensitive, easily traumatized, in a constant state of panic, stricken with anxiety, has a propensity for cleanliness, and fearful of almost everything. He suffers from many health ailments such as: asthma, allergies, and scoliosis. Although he is in his thirty’s, he’s still very child-like and dependant on his mother.

Betty Dubious – (female, 50’s – 60’s, open ethnicity) She is well put together and looks to come from money, but don’t let appearances fool you. Betty is a pill-head/ alcoholic with the mouth of a sailor. She’s bitter, judgmental, and has no problem saying what she means, not matter how harsh, especially when it comes to Billy. Billy never lives up to her expectations and she sees him as a mess beyond repair, but oddly depends on him.

Couple 3
Don Brown – (male, 30’s, open ethnicity) He is highly feminine and extremely sensitive. He is currently grieving the loss of one of his many cats. Let’s just say, he’s not taking it well. Don see’s his husband, Joe, as his knight in shining armor and is very much in love with him.

Joe Doyle – (male, 30’s, opens ethnicity) His appearance and demeanor is domineering and masculine. He’s hostile, aggressive, intolerant, judgmental, and in a constant state of annoyance. Joe is an Army Veteran and finds the group and therapy ridiculous, but as we find out, under that hard exterior Joe has a much softer side.

**Auditions will be held Friday the 15th and Saturday the 16th.

Please contact Sarah for time slots – (727) 510-3207

Sides will be emailed prior to audition.

Payment: Other

City or Location of call: Clearwater, FL
Please submit to:

2 thoughts on “Comedy Central TV Pilot

  1. Charles,Walton

    I would like to attend your “Comedy Pilot” casting, please contact me.

  2. Ankhebulan White

    I’m someone who has done acting in college on and off… I’m a natural talent who’s quick on his feet improv or comedic timing. If you bring me in for a chance, I can show you my abilities


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