Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson New Show

By | November 1, 2013

‘The Rock’s’ show The Hero is now over and it seems he has a new show called ‘The Wake Up Call’ that is coming out way!

The new show will have ‘The Rock’ inspiring people to be the best they can be. The Rock will be looking for real people who he can motivate into solving their real life problems.

Is your life in some sort of chaos? Maybe you need some motivational words from Dwayne? If so there is a casting call scheduled for his new show currently called ‘Wake Up Call’.

‘The Rock’ and TNT casting directors will be coming to Florida looking for locals who need a good kick in the butt to whip them into shape or at least, show them the way.

TNT The Rock Show


‘The Rock’ is looking to take it all on! Failing businesses, failing neighborhoods, maybe your kids are failing school or you have a weight issues? Whatever the problem, email casting directors to see if you can get some one on one counseling / motivation with ‘The Rock’.

This particular casting call is only for South Florida residents and there is no news yet about whether that will be expanded to cover other areas of the country.

So, are you up for a serious challenge? You can also nominate others for the show.

You can submit yourself or someone you know, send your name, age, city, contact info, photo and life situation to floridacasting1@gmail.com.

2 thoughts on “Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson New Show

  1. Schantel

    I am interested in the show with ‘The Rock’. My 13 year old daughter and I love to write. We are interested in a screenplay writing career and would love to be a part of the show and realize our dream on the series.

  2. tashieka Clinton

    My experience is not limited, it has just began. I will take everything I have learned thus far, take notes from veterans in the business and explore my acting talent through my natural creativity. I am driven!


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