Extras wanted for Film – UK

By | May 2, 2013

Where: London, United Kingdom
This casting notice was posted on auditionsfree.com

Type: Extras

CALL OUT: Film extras, with opportunity for speaking role wanted! – London [Sat 4th / sun 5th may 2013]

Extras of various nationalities & ages needed for waiting room scene

We are on the look out for 30 extras to be a part of our short film “The Translator”
No Audition required.

It is one film of a series of three films that will make up a feature. The first is set in Iran, the second in Greece and the third is set here in London.

For more info: www.Undocumentfilm.com

The extras will be needed to fill a waiting room in an immigration’s tribunal court.
They will be made up of immigrant families, as well as people working in the court – lawyers etc.

We will need everyone for one full day (about 8 hours) on Saturday the 4th of May and/or for an afternoon on Sunday 5th May 2013. Our location is in Barking, 2 minute walk from the station.

As this is a graduation project there is no budget to pay people, everyone is working on this for free, however lunch and refreshments will be provided throughout the day and you will be invited to the premier in Covent Garden in July as well as given a copy of the film to keep and use for your showreel. The film will be entered into competitions and festivals.

Ideally we are looking for individuals to make up the following:

*5 lawyers (male / female, aged 25 – 65, any ethnic background)
*2 Court Clerks (male / female, aged 20 – 40, any ethnic background)
*2 large families (up to 7 people – uncles, aunties, parents, grandparents, children etc. – we have interest from a family of African / Caribbean heritage so are ideally looking for a family of Asian, Middle Eastern, Arab, North African, Eastern European, Vietnamese, Chinese or Latino backgrounds although everyone is welcome to apply!
The main aim is to find a group of people that look related with a variety of ages.)
*4 couples (any age, any ethnic background although they need to look like they come from the same place)
*5 people aged 65 + (any ethnic background)

Date: Saturday 4th May/ Sunday 5th May 2013
Duration: Saturday All day, up to 8 hours / Sunday Afternoon
Location: Barking (2 minute walk from the station)

Info. on the film:

‘The Translator’ is one film in a series of three that will make up a feature. The first is set in Iran, the second in Greece and the third is set here in London. The Translator is an emotive character study of a translator working in an immigrations court. Ramzi, a recent graduate, is nearing the end of a work placement which will determine whether he will attain his goal of a permanent job. What he doesn’t know is that dealing on a daily basis, with often desperate people, who are having life changing decisions made for them, is draining. When Ramzi unwittingly gets increasingly involved with a defendant he is translating for, he realises his job comes with heavy responsibility. When faced with a moral dilemma, he must make a decision that might cost him his future.

TO APPLY or find out more please contact Sophie:
Tel: 0753 964 3867

Payment: Non Paid

UK film extra audition

City or Location of call: London, United Kingdom

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