Girlfriend Intervention – New makeover reality / docu show

By | December 19, 2013

Do you know someone in need of some GIRLFRIEND INTERVENTION! Unleash your hidden gorgeousness!

A major cable network is looking for Los Angeles area ladies who are in need of a serious makeover who are between the ages of 24 and 45 and have had a recent life changing experience or are about to.

Let a team of experts unleash your hidden dive by making over your hair, makeup, fashion style and even your home!

The show is seeking women that are coming to a crossroads in their life.

  • Recently divorced?
  • Overworked?
  • Single mom, Ex-military?
  • Overcoming a major illness?
  • Re-entering the workforce?
  • Maybe some extreme weight loss?

Are you ready for a new look for 2014? Maybe you know someone else who is?

Casting directors would like to hear your story. You can also nominate other people such as friends, co-workers or family members that you believe need some Girlfriend Intervention!

See the below casting flyer for more information as well as instructions on how to submit yourself or nominate someone else.

makeover TV show

3 thoughts on “Girlfriend Intervention – New makeover reality / docu show

  1. chimere Williams

    My mom is a 56 year old in a wheelchair. She doesn’t go no where or have any friends. She lost her leg 4 years ago this month and lost her husband in November of 2011. She sits in her room all day everyday watching tv, reading and ordering stuff off tv or off line. She’s a single mom of 5 kids. Also she has 7 grandchildren and 1 great grand. Please help my mom find her self again.

  2. marie

    I am so lost in fashion. I am a 33 year old stay at home mom of 5 and I have lost myself completely. I never try to fix myself up because I have no self esteem and I just don’t think anyone really cares anyway. I don’t own makeup or anything nice, because I don’t know anything but jeans and tee shirts. I live in Maryland and wish girlfriend intervention could help me!

  3. Danita Davis

    Hey Girls I need some help. My room is ugly AND I want to be stylish but not to stylish cuz I got a husband AND I can dress it just that I don’t have no time to style my room. I work AND have 5 kids but they are big now I have two daughters, one is six AND the other one is 11. I really need help. Thank you for reading this. My name is Danita Davis ND I live in Philadelphia.


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