Kids and Adults wanted for voice over work – Paid MN

By | May 2, 2013

Where: Minneapolis, MN
This casting notice was posted on

Type: Video

Voice Over Casting Call

Seeking male and female non-union actors, 14 years of age to adult, for animated character voice-over, specifically “kid” voices. Must be willing to make a long-term commitment.

To be considered, please leave a voicemail audition at 612-330-3439 using the copy below. Be sure to leave your name, age, phone number and email, and the character audition.

If you are able to do both male and female child voices please read for both Monty and Clara.

Male Cutting

Monty – Age 7

Okay, so yesterday I was playing fireman with my cousin, but then his cat swallowed a dragon, I mean it wasn’t a real dragon it was a toy dragon, ok actually it was a plastic pineapple that we were pretending was a dragon. And the cat was making all these weird noises like meeeroweerweereeeee meeeeowraaahoah meeeoweee-rrrrrhzzzz. And we thought the cat was going to get really sick and explode until we realized that it hadn’t actually swallowed the dragon, it was just being weird. And then we had cookies.

Female Cutting

Clara – Age 8

Okay Clara… you’ve missed the last two Sundays which means you have fallen behind. If you don’t pay attention, you’ll fall behind even more and you won’t be able to catch up and you won’t understand anything and you’ll fall further behind and… Oh my goodness Pastor Pete has been talking the whole time and you’ve been too busy giving yourself this pep talk about paying attention to actually pay attention! Stop it Clara! Stop listening to yourself! Listen to Pastor Pete! You don’t want to fail Sunday School do you? CLARA! You’re still listening to yourself! Stop it! Stop it right now!

Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: Minneapolis, MN
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