MTV casting Ex & Why

By | September 2, 2013

Ex and Why (MTV) is now casting the heartbroken for a show about breakups!

If you are cast for the show, you will be paid $500 for your appearance. Shhhh, don’t tell the ex.

MTV is casting an all new lighthearted show which examines the heartbreaks that we all have gone through!! If you want to play the game chances are you too will have your heart broken at some point!!! Welcome to being human!!

Weather you were recently broken up with or still have pain/ sadness/ or questions about being dumped years and years ago we are looking for you!

MTV casting show

MTV casting show

*Must be 18-25 years old
*Must Live within 30 miles of Los Angeles
*Must have been broken up with in the past
*Must APPEAR to want to get back with your ex
*Ex Must live within 30 Miles of LA
*MUST NOT contact your EX about this show

-AGE (Must be 18-26)
-CITY YOU LIVE (Must live within 30 miles of Los Angeles)
-TELL US ABOUT BEING BROKEN UP WITH (Just a sentence or two)

They were the love of your life but they broke your heart. For whatever reason it just didn’t work out and looking back you can’t help but ask yourself, “why?”

Why did it end the way it did? Why do you still feel like they were the one? But the biggest unanswered question of all is, “What can I do to win back THE ONE THAT GOT AWAY!”

Maybe you’ve changed, maybe you’re not the same person they broke up with and you’re ready to prove that its time to rekindle lost love.

You’re willing to do whatever it takes to show them you really are the one for them.

Let them know that “You belong with me.” – Taylor Swift

Whether you made a mistake, got your heart broken, or have transformed into a new you. It’s time to plan the best surprise your Ex has ever seen with the hope that you can prove that you are still the one. You can’t move on until you give it one last try and this is your last, best chance.

MTV & Doron Ofir Casting are now seeking guys and girls who are least 18 and appear younger than 25 with extraordinary heartfelt breakup and relationship stories to star in this love changing new series.

To apply for the show visit the site.

One thought on “MTV casting Ex & Why

  1. Promise smythe

    My name is Promise Smthe. I am an actress and model. I bring peace and joy with me. I am easy learning, always on time and get the job done just as I am told. I pride myself on my strong work make me an excellent candidate .


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