Paid Voice Over work for child – NYC

By | November 13, 2013

VO- Animated Training

Location: NY, NY

Type: Educational

We are Kognito Interactive, an award-winning developer of role-playing training simulations and games in the areas of health and behavioral health.

We are currently looking for a 10-year old boy (NOT an adult actor playing a child) to voice the role described below in an animated production.

For the audition, we just need a recording of you reading the sides, and as long as we can hear you well, the quality of the recording isn’t important. Please email the recordings to the email address listed on this posting by 5pm on Wednesday, 11/13 at the latest. The initial recording session will most likely be that same week but could be during the following two weeks, and will take place at our Chelsea studio.

In the recording:
1) State your name, the role you’re auditioning for, and your contact info
2) Read the sides. You can have a partner read the other character’s lines (if any) or just pause between lines. If you would like to give a second reading or interpretation, that’s fine too.

We’re looking for casual, genuine; don’t worry about being word perfect, it’s more important to be speech-like.

Ethan is 10 years old. He is significantly taller and heavier than most boys his age, and people often think he is 12 or 13. His parents say he’s “just growing” and that their family is just “big-boned.” He hates team sports and exercise; his drink of choice is root beer; and his favorite activity is watching cartoons, which he does every afternoon while waiting for his mom to get home from work. Ethan is reaching an age—and a size—where other kids are starting to bully him. His size keeps the physical bullying to a minimum, but the taunts and exclusion still hurt. He tries to find excuses to avoid gym class, and there have already been a few days when he’s feigned being sick to avoid going to school. His mom, Heather, can tell that he is having a harder time at school and wants to stay home, and she finds that concerning, especially because he usually enjoys school and gets excellent grades.

HEATHER: Ethan, if you had to drink less root beer or start exercising more, which would you prefer?

ETHAN: Ugh. Neither.

HEATHER: (mom voice) Ethan, what if you had to?

ETHAN: (sigh) I guess maybe I could drink less root beer or something. I’m not gonna run around and play sports. (said with dripping disgust)

ETHAN’S INNER THOUGHT: Maybe she doesn’t know just how much I love root beer. Has she even had root beer?

– – – – –
ETHAN: (sobbing) I know what you’re saying. You’re saying I’m fat.

HEATHER: No, baby. No one thinks you’re fat.

ETHAN: (crying more now) But I know I am–all the kids at school say so. I don’t wanna be fat.

HEATHER: What do you mean, all the kids at school? What do they say?

ETHAN: (it all comes spilling out) They call me “lardo,” “fatso.” “Beached whale.” “Beef-an.” They moo at me, make noises when I run.

HEATHER: I can’t be–why didn’t you say anything to me? How long has this been happening?

ETHAN: (sniffs) Forever! And there’s nothing I can do. I’m just big.

HEATHER: Tell me who’s picking on you, and I’ll call their parents.

ETHAN: Mooom, no! That will just make it worse.

– – – – –
HEATHER: Ethan, is there anything you don’t like about soda?

ETHAN: Um… a while ago I went to the dentist and I had a cavity. She said it might have been from soda.

HEATHER: You didn’t like that very much, did you?

ETHAN: (emphatically) No. I don’t want to get any more cavities.

Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: NY, NY
Please submit to: by 2013-11-18

This casting notice was posted by: Kognito Interactive

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