Texas Commercial Auditions – Paid actors
A Shell oil commercial will be filming in Smithville Texas this November and casting is seeking males that are farmer / rancher types for the shoot. Open auditions for the TV commercial will take place on Saturday.

Shell Oil Company Commercial
Casting Call information
The Smithville Film Commission announces a casting call for a Shell Oil commercial from 1-4 p.m. on Saturday, Nov. 2. at Smithville City Hall.
Casting director is John Williams and Karmen Leech of The Cast Station.
Shooting start date will be Nov. 22 in Austin.
Pay rate is $592.10 for shoot plus residuals.
This will air on Destination America, Outdoor Channel (fishing program/tournament), and will be used on internet and trade show.
Looking for males, 50 years old and up. Authentic hardworking farmer/rancher type. Evident weathering on hands and face from years of honest, hard work. Must have farming/ranching experience.
Email thecaststation@gmail.com for additional information.
Smithville is a city in Bastrop County, Texas, United States, near the Colorado River. It is between San Antonio and Houston Texas and south of Dallas. The town has a small population of just a few thousand.
In recent years a good amount of film and TV production has been taking place in Smithville which includes the movie ‘Hope Floats’ with Sandra Bullock, ‘The Tree of Life’ with Brad Pitt and ‘Bernie’ with Jack Black.
17 years old wanting to act.