Star Wars Open Casting Call in Nashville TN

By | November 23, 2013

Tryout for the Disney movie “Star Wars”

We’ve all heard the news, Star Wars will be filming a new movie in 2014. Filming will take place in the UK, California and New Mexico sometime in 2014 and the film will be released to very excited fans in 2015.

The film has been holding a round of open casting calls for a few weeks now and this weekend will be the last open casting call scheduled. The open casting will be in Nashville TN on the 24th. Anyone interested in trying out for one of the 2 open leads is welcome to come down and meet casting directors for their shot at the big time.

If planning to attend, you should be prepared to wait for quite some time as the previous casting calls have attracted 1000’s of hopefuls, so many that some of the venues had to be changed last minute to accommodate the large crowd.

Disney has taken over the Star Wars franchise and we are all dying to see what they will do with it. However, we will have to wait to find out the plot or how the 2 characters they are currently casting for fit in.

It still seems to be top secret. No one involved in the film has disclosed the plot of the new Disney film. Director J.J. Abrams was recently on the Steven Colbert show and and refused to disclose the details… not even when asked by Stephen.

Casting directors are seeking the following:

Seeking: Young woman to play 17-18 Years old. Must be beautiful, smart and athletic. Open to all ethnicities (including bi- and multi-racial). Must be 16 or over.


Seeking: Young man to play 19-23 years old. Must be handsome, smart and athletic. Must be 18 or over.


Star Wars Auditions episode 7

Here are the descriptions of the 2 characters which are being called Rachel and Thomas for now.

Was quite young when she lost her parents. With no other family, she was forced to make her way alone in a tough, dangerous town. Now 17 she has become street smart and strong. She is able to take care of herself using humor and guts to get by.

Always a survivor, never a victim, she remains hopeful that she can move away from this harsh existence to a better life. She is always thinking of what she can do to move ahead.


Has grown up without a father’s influence. Without the model of being a man, he doesn’t have the strongest sense of himself. Despite this, he is smart, capable and shows courage when it is needed. He can appreciate the absurdities in life and understands you can’t take life too seriously.

Here is the information for the Disney Movie open casting call:

November 24, 2013
Sheraton – Nashville Downtown
623 Union St.
Nashville, TN 37219
12pm – 5pm


For those that cannot make it to the Open Audition, they can still submit online for the Disney movie until December 3rd.

2 thoughts on “Star Wars Open Casting Call in Nashville TN

  1. Macayla brown

    Hi I am Macayla Brown and acting is my life. My friends told me to go to this web page to find this. I found it, I’m so happy. Every year at my school I get the lead role even though I’m in sixth grade not allowed to have a lead role but I did any way. It is a blessing to find this. I will be the happiest person in the world to get the part in star wars, thank you for listening.

  2. jose manuel de sousa silva

    Hi Erica how are you so fire so good lam still in canada doing my stuff back & for so fire know call yet to work from my agency but one thing l got one call from agency l was surprise by them call me for audition so l when l lost the audition why because of my English speaking reading role my english not so good & how to say this was my first audition & my first time every l do some background for so many year now they call for audition l now is not going to be easy is dark knight for me thy say are you every to school for acting l say now ever my reasion is now money involve in to also l don’t have friendship to suport me lam surprise lam writhing this way never been at school to learn my writhing just by guessing & looking at the words to writhing also on loptop don’t thing l even know that l doing cheking my massage & call to agency so l could get job to work lam doing my best <<<<<jose M S Silva


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