Student Film Project, Paid – Burbank, CA

By | March 4, 2013

I am Not

Where: Burbank, CA
This casting notice was posted on

Type: Student Films

Hi I’m shooting a student project in which I am directing a short scene for my class. I am shooting a scene where a husband wife discuss their options with dealiing in a volatile situation. I am looking for a man, 27-37, I’m looking for a certain ethnicity Asian, White, Hispanic and European. The husband is a meek person, intelligent, cautious and safe. The wife should be between 27-37 certain ethnicity Hispanic, Asian, European and White. The wife is a very outspoken person, she is very intelligent and very determined woman. She has a degree and has put aside her own career for the better of the family, but in doing so resents her family because she was forced to leave her career. She uses this to be a bitch and get her way constantly guilt tripping and manipulating people.
Compensation if chosen you would be compensated $8.75/hr
auditions will be held on 3/8/13 at a location to be disclosed
I would like a resume headshots and reels submitted to me. submission deadline is 3/6/13

Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: Burbank, CA
Please submit to:

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