Actors in Philadelphia, PA – Documentary “Quakers: The Quiet Revolutionaries”

By | October 3, 2014

Quakers: The Quiet Revolutionaries

Location: Philadelphia, PA

Type: Film

Producers: The Gardner Group, Inc.
Filming Location: Pennsbury Manor, Morrisville, PA
Featured Players: $200/day plus DVD and up to $25 transportation; lunch provided
Background Players: $100/day plus up to $25 transportation; lunch provided
Roles are non-speaking and shoot 1 day in early November (likely 11/3 or 11/10).

Send headshot and resume to Please note in submission if you have access to car transportation, and include availability for 11/3 and 11/10.

Quakers: The Quiet Revolutionaries is a documentary about the history of Quakers in America. The finished documentary will be a 2-hour special, most likely airing on PBS stations and used heavily in educational settings.

WILLIAM PENN: Should bear some resemblance to the historical figure of William Penn when in his early 40s. Caucasian, dark hair. An aristocratic, decisive leader. Shoulder length hair a plus, but a wig may be used.

HANNAH PENN: Brunette, late 20s, very fair skinned. The reserved, devout Quaker wife of William Penn.

MARGARET PENN: Caucasian, brunette. Teenage daughter of the Penns.

ALICE PAUL: Should bear some resemblance to the historical figure of Alice Paul. Late 20s-late 30s, very dark hair, with large eyes and strong eyebrows. Alice Paul was a world-famous suffragist and one of the key activists in winning women the right to vote.

JOHN WOOLMAN: Caucasian, 30s, with dark hair and eyes and a distinguished face, sharp-featured, somewhat weather-beaten; long hair a plus. John Woolman was a passionate abolitionist during the colonial era and walked up and down the East coast spreading his message. He was a merchant and tradesman, as well as a Quaker preacher.

LUCRETIA MOTT: Should bear some resemblance to the historical figure of Lucretia Mott. 50s, brown hair, slim, authoritative face, severe. Lucretia Mott was a Quaker and a women’s rights activist, as well as an abolitionist.

BACKGROUND PLAYERS: Seeking Caucasian and African American actors in their twenties and thirties for scenes involving outdoor and indoor farm work, animal tending, house chores, baking, etc.

Payment: Paid

City or Location of call: Philadelphia, PA
Please submit to: by 2014-10-24

This casting notice was posted by: Gardner Group Inc

PBS casting call in Philadelphia

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