Auditions for Independent Film “Eighty-6” in NYC

By | November 15, 2014

The film project “Eighty-6” is looking to cast 3 principal roles for the production filming in New York City.

Location of casting call: 40 W 27th ST, New York, NY 10001
This is a paid job.

Casting Call for “Eighty-6”

Film set in the 80’s; Eighty-6 follows a young world-class Cinematographer on the rise and his best friend/gaffer who’s left in the shadows.

Casting for:
Tim Carson- MALE, mid-20’s, This Film making prodigy
came right out of film school with a solid resume. Tim has
never been one to accept that life is supposed to be about
anything less than enjoying every moment.

Johnny Rocket- MALE, mid-20’s, Johnny is Tim’s Gaffer
and right-hand man. Although, ever since they graduated
Johnny peaked. He doesn’t have the ambition Tim does and is jealous because of it, but it doesn’t stop him from having a
good time whether he’s on or off set.

Chase Styles- MALE, mid-20’s, Chase is a year younger than
Tim and Johnny but that doesn’t stop him from being much
more mature. He is Tim’s manager and as the son of a lawyer, Chase knows business and legalities. He knows how to carry himself in a professional setting and dress very well.

Casting Date:
Sunday, November 16th, 10am to 6pm

Bravo Media (2nd floor) – 40 W 27th ST, New York, NY 10001

Email for RSVP and sides.
Sides & Bios will be provided on the day of the Auditions.

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