Auditions for “Stereotype” – Nottingham UK

By | February 17, 2014

Casting Breakdown Sheets for “Stereotype” – Auditions in the UK

McGibney Productions is casting Stereotype

Location: Nottingham

Type: Film


Payment: Other

City or Location of call: Nottingham
Please submit to: by 2014-03-05


Director Jordan McGibney & Rebecca Mcgibney Casting Tina Harris & Sarah Gilkinson

Producer Luke McGibney & Sarah Gilkinson


Principle photography will commence 30th March to 4th April 2014 with rehearsals beginning 3rd March 2014 onwards. The project is based

around the power of choice for young people and the consequences of not making the right choices. It explores stereotyping and the project will

offer a film, website and free DVD to any school, social services or youth services team that wish to workshop the film, the project is not for

profit. Stereotype has attracted the highest standards of crew including Richard Dunton Director Of Photography who trained at NFTS and has

completed a series of award winning films (Musical Star and Here on Earth), Michael McLoughlin award winning Art Director (Crying With

Laughter, 16 Years Of Alcohol) and Al Clarke Executive Producer (London To Brighton, Unmade Beds). The Directors Jordan McGibney has

recently won BFI Futures Short Film Category for his film Richard III alongside nominated as “One to Watch” National Youth Festival, Finalist of

Cinemagic. Rebecca McGibney the co-director has been selected by Kenneth Branagh Filming Shakespeare Festival for her work on award

winning film Richard III Memoir Of A Kings Love and has just completed an adapation of Pride and Prejudice for online television.


Character:Ordena Williams

Playing Age 70-85

Gender Female

Clothing / accessories Black knee-length dress or dark top and trousers, dark cardigan, slip-on shoes


Character Traits / background

Conservative, Strong, Giving, Dutiful. Ordena was married to Isaiah Williams and came to

the UK from Jamaica in the 1960’s when they were in their early twenties. Both found work

in a hospital, Isaiah a porter and Ordena a care assistant, full of optimism they wanted to

make a life for themselves and a future for their children.

Ordena went on to study nursing relishing the opportunity and eventually qualifying as a

Registered Nurse meanwhile Isaiah moved into catering. A few years on, Ordena gave birth

to a daughter called Grace, they did try for more children but Grace was the only child. She

was brought up in a strict but loving environment where religion and the teaching of the

bible had always played an important part of Ordena and Isaiah’s’ life.

Grace was a rebellious teenager and there were many battles for both Ordena and Isaiah

around going out, boys, drink and smoking. Grace met Joel, an older boy. To the

disapproval of Ordena and Isaiah, she fell pregnant at 15 and gave birth to Denziel. Ordena

and Isaiah did everything they could to support Grace and Denziel in the hope that she

would get her life back on track.


Grace and her boyfriend Joel was a relationship of tainted love and over the next 8 years

Joel was very much absent in the relationship. When Joel would visit, Grace would always

accept him back, much to the silent disapproval of Ordena. Grace fell pregnant again but

did not want to go through with the pregnancy. After much discussion, Ordena and Isaiah

agreed with Grace that they would adopt the child. Leroy was born and shortly after, Grace

suddenly left with no notice or goodbye to her parents or children. Occasionally a card

would be sent but Ordena would never share this with the two boys, the cards eventually



Four years later, Isaiah was diagnosed with stomach cancer and died that autumn. Ordena

was left to bring up Denziel (13) and Leroy (4). With support from friends, Ordena was

determined to give the boys the best opportunity in life. The relationship between Denziel,

Ordena and Leroy grew stronger with Denziel taking on a fatherly role to his brother. At

times there was conflict like any normal family, but both boys never reflected the

behaviour or attitude of their mother or father. Ordena would always say goodnight to her

husband kissing a photo on the mantelpiece before going to bed. The photo had become a

lucky mascot for the boys. In times of exams, football matches etc they would touch it,

make a wish and look for a blessing from their granddad.

The death of Denziel was tragedy for both Leroy and Ordena, since his death a void has

been left in her heart. She barely has strength to carry on with the daily chores, lost in the

mourning of what was not just a grandson, but her closest friend.

Build Medium or large

Height 5ft 3 to 5ft 8

Character Intentions To be a good mother

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