Is Your Dog a Tiny terror – Show casting dogs in SoCal

By | February 1, 2014


“My Tiny Terror”

Is your little doggie acting a bit to tough for his size  bracket?

Are you at the end of your rope trying to figure out how to make your dog behave?

A new show is looking to cast small dogs and their owners in Southern California!

Is your dog’s behavior a nuisance to you or others? Are you at your wit’s end?
The producers of the hit show “My Cat From Hell” are now looking for naughty little DOGS
in Southern California that need help from an expert dog behaviorist. From
dogs excessively growling, barking, scratching, and biting, to ruining furniture, tearing the
house upside down and escaping, we can help transform your dog back to the canine you love!

Growling Chihuahua

Please include your name, age, city, contact phone number and who you live with. Tell us about your dog and how it’s affecting your life/relationship. Include your dog’s name, age, breed, where you got the dog and tell us, in detail, about your dog’s behavioral problems and why you (or your family) are at your wit’s end. Include pictures of yourself, your family members and of your dog!

Casting call for Dogs

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