Feature Film “Sleeping on Stones” Auditions for principal roles in Virginia

By | February 12, 2014

SLEEPING ON STONES is a feature film currently in the pre production stages that tell the story of a young boy who moves with his family from the United States to Hebron.

The dramas main character is a boy named Jacob who is an American moving to the Middle East. He is 8 to 12 years old. The films producers are seeking to fill the lead role of Jacob along with 2 other roles, Jacob when he is older, 17 to 22 years old and the supporting role of Itzhak who is 35 to 45. More detail about the roles and the ethnicities wanted for the roles is listed below.

The film will be shooting in Virginia as well as in the Palestinian city of Hebron in the summer of 2014.

Auditions for the 3 roles will be held on Saturday and will be by appointment only. Those interested need to follow the below instructions on submission.

About the film:
Jacob who moves from Brooklyn to Hebron with his parents and battles with his identity and life as a settler in Palestine, is currently casting for three roles:

JACOB 1 (Lead): Males, ages 8-12. (American: Caucasian, Middle Eastern)
JACOB 2 (Lead): Males, ages 17-22 (Must be Palestinian-American and
have some knowledge of Arabic. No other Arab nationalities please.)
ITZHAK (Supporting): Males, ages 35-45. (American: Caucasian, Middle Eastern)

Hebron - Virginia auditions for feature film shooting in Hebron

The screenplay was accepted into the Sundance Screenwriter’s Lab. A test trailer can
be seen here: https://vimeo.com/36737088. Shoots summer 2014 in the Palestinian West Bank city of Hebron. Note: Must be willing to travel and hold a valid US passport. Child actor will travel with one parent. Very low pay, a low budget production, but flight and accommodations provided.

Auditions being held on Saturday, Feb 15, 2014 at George Mason
University, Fairfax, VA. Submit headshot and resume to info@sleepingonstones.com. If considered, you will be sent an appointment time and location details. Last day to submit is February 14th.

You can watch the following video to learn more about the film.

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